Take a walk to enjoy the beautiful views


Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone how are you I hope you are fine wherever you are

To begin with a beautiful morning as beautiful as my heart, so I want to share a story about my activities yesterday, a few days ago my son always asked me to go out for a walk but we didn't have time because yesterday we just finished the birthday party and tidied up the house like the beginning because After the event, the house was very messy, I felt dizzy looking at it, so I always gave excuses for my son not to take him for a walk, but in reality I had to take him because I felt sorry for him, so I was sad, yes, his name is also a child

In the morning I told him to go to school. First I told him that this afternoon we would go on a trip to Lhokseumawe city. My son was so happy to hear that he went straight to the bathroom to clean himself because he was going to school and I put away his clothes. and fed him rice so he would go faster, he went to school, I cleaned the house as quickly as possible even though I was a little tired because I had to look after the youngest too

my son came home from school and asked about the trip that I told him about this morning and I told him to sleep for a while at 04 in the afternoon we got ready to go to the destination my son wanted, bought food and ate -I ate as much as I wanted. I forgot to take the photo. Actually I didn't forget, but I continued to carry my youngest because he was a little weak because he wasn't feeling well, so I had to carry him when my first son ate as he pleased

After eating, my son took me to the Islamic center mosque which is not far from there, this mosque is very big and very spacious, inside there is a place for reciting the Koran and praying, outside it is so wide that people come and sit and relax outside while taking a photo and enjoying the view from above, almost sunset we were still there and saw such a beautiful view, lots of people came here because of the outside yard, people sat on the grass which was so clean and enjoyed the food he brought, because it was getting dark I invited my son to go home, next time we will come here again








Thanks you


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