Let's have some Dim Sum at the Fatty Dim Sum joint

Good morning.. my friends.. It's a Tuesday morning again.. I am hungry. What shall I eat? Dim Sum? Yes, let's go for dim sum. Where shall we go to eat dim sum?

Ah Bui Dim Sum

Ah Bui = Fatty

In Miri, there are so many restaurants and food courts that have dim sum so you can go food hopping from one dim sum shop to another. Lots of people here love eating dim sum as you can usually taste so many different types of Chinese cuisine.

Some of the dim sum on the food steamer. There are so many to choose from that I wish my stomach is able to accommodate them. Maybe keeping some space for next time.

Dim Sum usually has to be served hot. If it gets cold, the taste degrades slightly.

What we ordered

Some prawn dumplings, some Som Mai (meat in wanton wrap), fried tofu skin. Not too heavy. Just enough to fulfill our bodies.

Let's go have a look at the display tray and check out what's serving hot.

Some of the other dim sum inside the food warmer. These are highly recommended to try out.

Even if you don't know what each dish is called, you can just try them out. I also do not really know what some of these dim sum dishes are called.

Teenagers serving customers.

So many people eating here. The whole place is filled up. People here love eating. As many restaurants and cafes open here in Miri, are filled with customers.

Thank you for reading this post. Looking forward to my next meal. I guess, I love to eat.


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