Take a peek at the capitol of Kalinga and a visit at Dao Falls

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This is my entry for this Sunday's #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday by @ace108. A look at Kalinga's capitol and visiting one of the falls of Tabuk City.

For more of our Kalinga road trip, you can check
Sunrise in Mt. Talama
Bulanao Public Market
Buscalan: Home of Tattoo Artists

After spending one day and a night with our cousins in Dagupan, it's time to hit the road and go back home.

After our sunrise at Mt. Talama and visit to the public market, we headed back to our cousins for breakfast and harvest mangoes, bananas and coconuts to bring home with us. After eating brunch and preparing ourselves, we then dropped by the capitol.

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We were busy taking photos in front of the capitol when I noticed a group practicing on stage in front of the capitol building. I went near the stage so I can get a wider photo of the capitol which was the first photo that I posted. The dancers on stage wanted me to take photos of them and I did. It was too far though but I just wanted to make them happy.

There were vendors to the left of the stage under the shade of trees that were selling refreshments and food. Because it was too hot, my companions decided to buy halo-halo. This consists of shaved ice with lots of ingredients including sweetened beans, jelly, rice krispies, boiled banana, boiled sweet potato, boba and sweetened with sugar and added with milk. Some have more ingredients to them. This is a sweet refreshment common here in the country.

We have to bade goodbye to our brother who lives there and continued on our trip.

The night before going to Dagupan, we dropped by at the house of one of our cousins along the way which was in Patiking. Although it was already late, they still entertained us. Because it's dark and not everyone is familiar with the place especially us first timers, we missed it and realized that when we arrived at another cousin's home so we had to go back making sure this time that we will not miss it.

So on our way home, we dropped by again at our cousins in Patiking. They promised us the night before that they will harvest coconuts for us that we will bring home. Unfortunately, the husband of our cousin got drunk the night before so we had to wait for him to wake up and then he along with one of their nephews, went in search for coconuts to harvest.

With nothing else to do, our cousin's son then suggested to go to a falls nearest to where they are and we agreed. Our brother dropped us off and then had to go back to our cousins. So the rest of us then went to check out the river/falls.

Here's a video I made.

There's a short walk to get to the falls. At first I thought it's going to be a long hike but it took us no more than 5 minutes to get there. There were other falls suggested by our cousin but since we don't have a lot of time it was here that they brought us. I didn't know what to expect but I was kind of excited to see the falls. I do love waterfalls and it's my favorite body of water.

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The waterfalls is just a small one. The pool however is really deep. Since I don't know how to swim, I didn't dare. I left my companions to swim in the pool and decided to go down the river taking photos instead.

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I tried using my camera's slow shutter feature to come up with silky effect to the water. It's tough though because I don't have a shutter. After a few tries, I gave up.

I then hiked back up to where my companions are. We didn't stay long after that and decided to go back to our cousins. It was right timing too for as we were leaving some locals came for a swim too and judging by what they were carrying with them they'll be having a picnic. It's a perfect place to hang out for the river is shady. One can easily find a spot for a picnic. I think this river is just one of the tributaries of Chico River.

Because we didn't have a ride, we then walked on our way back.

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It was a short but fun visit at the river. Me and one of our companions did not swim because he just had a tattoo done. Halfway through, we saw our brother's vehicle coming to fetch us and we rode the way back to our cousins.

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When we arrived, at our cousins, these were the fruits they were able to harvest. Not only did they get coconuts for us but also soursop. This is really one of the benefits of living in the province. You have bountiful food available.

After having our lunch there, we finally had to say goodbye to our cousins and family and goodbye to Kalinga as well. Until next time.

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