Story of me and my family part 149 : The food my wife cooks from the some vegetables I grow in the home garden.

Hello everyone. 😊 Most Saturdays and Sundays, my wife and I didn't go anywhere and there are no errands to be done outside the home. We spend a lot of time caring for our son (autistic) and granddaughter. When we're home, my wife likes to harvest vegetables in the home garden and cook simple foods for the family. The vegetables she harvests are also the ones she likes to harvest to cook often such as green brinjal, chaya, kale and chinese flowering cabbage. And today she harvested these vegetables to cook lunch.

The first dish my wife cooked that I wanted to show off was stir-fried kale with crispy pork. Fresh kale that she just harvested in the home garden was eaten with crispy pork. It is my son and I's favorite dish. 😋 I think many people will like it. Take a look and enjoy.

Our second lunch menu was Nam Prik Ong (Spicy Northern Thai Pork and Tomato). But my wife changed the ingredients from pork to sardines in tomato sauce instead. So this menu is Nam Prik Ong (Spicy Northern Thai Sardines in tomato sauce and Tomato). How to cook for making this menu is the same how to cook as Nam Prik Ong (Spicy Northern Thai Pork and Tomato) that I have previously shared. Take a look and enjoy.

Today my wife boiled green brinjal, chaya and chinese flowering cabbage to eat with Nam Prik Ong (Spicy Northern Thai Sardines in tomato sauce and Tomato).

These are our lunches that my wife cooked.

These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to watch and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗

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