Abandoned pups at the temple

I was just celebrating the fact that there hadn't been any drop offs at the temple in quite some time but now we have had exactly that happen. I understand that puppies can be a lot of work, especially when you end up with 4 of them at the same time but there is an easy solution to all of this to prevent the need to abandon your dog and her puppies - you can get the mother sterilized like a responsible pet owner. That's right, the owner abandoned the mum as well as the pups and I guess I can say that I kind of appreciate that so that the pups have a mother to look after them at least.


Maybe I'm just a big softy, but I just can't imagine looking at these two and deciding to toss them out of the car at a temple and just hope for the best. Thankfully, the mom is with them so we don't have to hope for a surrogate, and we are creating a little hiding place for her and hope the other dogs in the temple will kind of leave her alone. Normally dogs are pretty good at leaving well enough alone but when it comes to being territorial dogs don't really care if you are big or small, young or old. Either they accept you, or they don't.


There's just something magical about puppies. I know they can be a lot of work but that is why you control your own dog's ability to have them. It isn't cruel to sterilize your dog. They wont even know what has happened and their life will be better because of it.


We were alerted immediately to the presence of these new dogs at one of Krabi's smaller temples and we went out to see what the deal was. Thankfully all of the dogs including the mother are in relatively good health and Mom was very approachable which suggests to me that she is very used to interacting with humans.


We still gave her a bunch of treats to try to get into her good graces.


The plan now is to wait about a week and then we will bring both mom and her female pup into the veterinarian to have them sterilized, then we will continue to feed them as well. We have already put a notice out there that all of these are available for adoption as a unit, because we will not separate mothers from their pups until the young ones grow up a bit. It is better this way, trust me.

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Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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