The desire to live on a deserted island

Hi Hive Lovers

Every time I go fishing, I always encounter many small islands in the ocean, and the islands that I encounter are rarely inhabited.

I even stopped fishing for a while to rest in the middle of the day on some of the islands that I encountered; I cooked lunch there or was forced to take a break due to an unexpected storm.

Taking a break during the day when fishing in the sea is to regroup my energy and enthusiasm, and the most important thing is that in the middle of the day the fish start to lazily pounce on my fishing bait. It's better to take a little rest while the fish are also resting, right?

But taking a break during a storm when you're in the middle of the sea is a must (I call that a stroke of luck). It's rare for someone who is at sea to be calm when a storm hits. You have to actually be on land when a terrible storm hits you.

There are no options to survive or fight a storm when you are at sea in your small boat.

So, if the weather doesn't support me during my fishing trip, then I always choose fishing positions around islands that are affordable; that is one of the risk mitigation strategies on fishing trips. You can immediately take shelter while waiting for the storm to pass. Then you can resume your fishing activities.

One of the islands that I encountered on this fishing trip was very different. Even though I have been around this island several times before, this is the first time I saw a building there.

As you can see, this building looks deserted, and there is no visible activity there. My fishing concentration was really disturbed; my eyes were more and more fixed on that building, and I hoped that someone was there.

Apparently, no one was seen around the building until sunset. I returned to the port very curious.

I took with me some photos of the building. Who cares about the ban on photographing other people's property in the middle of the sea? I thought. But I hesitated to come closer because I had no interest in being in that building. I just fished around there with deepening curiosity.

Who would really think of living alone on an island out in the open ocean?

I reopened the photos of the building when I got home, and some of them I'll share here.

The building facing the open sea is really firmly built at the end of the island. The foundation pillars are set on solid rock and painted white with brown trim on the door and window jambs. It looks very harmonious with the color of the tin roof, which is also painted brown.

The energy source there comes from solar electricity. If you are observant, you can find a solar panel on an iron pole a few meters to the right of the building. Also visible is a concrete staircase leading down to the water, which was also built on top of the black rock.

There is an orange water reservoir behind the building. On the islands, of course, it is almost impossible to find a source of clean water. Where does the water source for this building come from? Is it brought in by tankers?

This white-brown building looks very integrated with the atmosphere of a coral island overgrown with beautiful green trees.

My mind is increasingly dreamy about a building that is on an island in the high seas. I intend to go back on my fishing trip there and meet someone there. I will learn about how to live there.

Since that day, my desire has arisen to choose to live on a remote island away from the crowds when I retire. However, internet access is required to stay connected with anyone. especially with all of you in this #HiveCommunity.

Have a great day.

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