My 1st WednesdayWalk of 2023 That MakesMeSmile

Hello everybody,

Last January 03,Tuesday, I was grateful the weather was fine, no rain. Hubby wanted to visit his half younger brothers grave because since we arrived here in Cebu in 2016, we hav'nt visited it yet. It is very far from our place plus we do not know where it is located. But, we knew it is located in Liloan Town at The Manila Memorial Park. I contacted his half older brother who is living in their hometown, Aloguinsan Town, to guide us. We just fetched him. So, after I let the dogs ate, we travelled first to our favorite Eatery but before their store we stopped by the lotto outlet and bought our tickets.


My grandson, Kaizer, won the scratch ticket 3x but just small amount. He always win everytime he scratch. I just told him not to stop betting ahahaha who knows he will scratch the jackpot.

Our next stopped was our favorite Eatery by the seaside, we ate our breakfast. For me, I just order this pork soup because I was still full with the coffee I drank at home.


After eating we went back to our City because Aloguinsan is the next town via shortcut road. His brother was already waiting for us at the Market. When he was on board already, they discussed our route. His brother suggested we follow the Naga-Uling Road but the driver our son went the other way to Manipis Road from Toledo City because my son said no landslide anymore and road was passable. It was also good that we passed this road because my last time passing this area was I think about in 1973. The road before was so narrow that is why it is called Manipis Road. But now, whoa! it is already wide. Here is the video of the place and our travel.

At the center of Manipis there is a view deck we stopped over there and looked around appreciating the mountains that surrounds the place.
In front there were small stalls cooking banana cue we bought some and ate. The changes on this place there are now many living in the area, at the road sides many houses cropped up, before just the trees on both sides of the road.

We proceeded with our travel,we just ate our lunch inside the van and we arrived at our destination about 2 pm, The Manila Memorial Park. What a wide area and peaceful, there were only a few who visited also their departed love ones. The older brother of hubby forgot also where is the grave located so we went back and asked the office. Even the caretaker had a hard time locating the grave then we searched and searched using the numbering system of the office after 30 minutes of searching at last we found it


After offering a prayer for my brother-in-law we went home. We arrived home about 7pm. The older brother just slept in the house then woke up at 5am to catch the bus back to Aloguinsan.

Grateful much, our travel was smooth, not much traffic and successful, we arrived home safe and sound, this makesmesmile.

Way to go @tattoo-djay for your WednesdayWalk, your collaboration with @elizacheng MakesMeSmile and to @justinparke of AseanHive Community.

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