How a Night of Jazz Music Improves Your Mood

How a Night of Jazz Music Improves Your Mood

‍Hello friends,

Here in Da Nang, Vietnam, I help out at a local bar, and on the weekends, we have live music. This last weekend was "The Hat Jazz Band." They sorta kicked butt, so I thought I should write up an article about Jazz music, along with some photos from that night.

The sounds of jazz music is like a drug for the listener (or at least I think).

The listener does not just enjoy it, but it also has a positive effect on their mood and behavior. So much so that listening to jazz music can be beneficial to your health! But how exactly does this come about? Does jazz music really have healing powers or is it just a placebo effect?

Let’s take a look.

My evening started with an expresso martini


What is jazz music?

Jazz is an American musical art form that originated in the African American community in the Southern United States around the beginning of the 20th century. Jazz is a combination of African, European, and Latin American music traditions.

This musical form is characterized by improvisation, group interaction, and the use of the blue notes (a note that is flatter than a key’s written note). It’s important to note that not all people who enjoy jazz like every type of music that is considered to be jazz music. Jazz music is a broad term and can include many different musical styles, instruments, and sounds. A classic example of a jazz musician is someone playing the trumpet or the saxophone.


How does jazz music benefit your health?

While it's subjective... Jazz music is proven to have a positive effect on your brain and cardiovascular system. The rhythm of jazz music has a steady beat, proven to be beneficial for your heart. A steady beat is also found in other music forms such as classical music and nature, such as the sound of waves crashing on the shore.

The steady beat is believed to be responsible for a slight increase in heart rate, which, in turn, is thought to increase blood flow. This increase in blood flow may also be responsible for the positive effect on mood. Additionally, the steady beat of jazz music may distract you from any unpleasant feelings that might be bothering you.

When a person is deeply engaged in an activity, anything that is bothering them simultaneously is less likely to be noticed. So, this way, the steady beat of jazz music may help reduce negative emotions, such as depression and anxiety.

You can read more about this topic HERE.

What do you think?


How does jazz music improve your mood?

As you’ve read above, a steady beat may be responsible for the positive effect on mood. But other factors may also contribute to this effect.

Rhythm - We experience the world in rhythm. Our heartbeats, breathing, walking, and the ebb and flow of our attention are cyclical processes. Rhythmic activities are known to have a calming effect on people, especially those with neuropsychiatric disorders. Mimicking a heartbeat - Jazz music often mimics a heartbeat.

This helps to reduce the listener’s anxiety and promotes relaxation. Emotional expression - Jazz music is often full of emotion. This can help you to express your feelings, which may reduce the number of negative feelings you have.


What are the benefits of listening to jazz for depression?

Those who are suffering from depression often feel as though they are trapped in a negative spiral of thoughts that they can’t escape. These thoughts will often bring them down, make them feel helpless, and make them believe they are not good enough. Fortunately, jazz music can help to lift you out of this downward spiral.

Some ways that jazz music can benefit those who are depressed include:

  • Depression is often characterized by negative thoughts you cannot let go of. Listening to jazz music may help to distract you from these thoughts and allow you to enjoy the music. Expressing your emotions
  • Feeling as though you have no control over your emotions is one of the most common symptoms of depression. Jazz music allows you to express your emotions, even if you don’t know how to verbalize them.


Improving your physical health through Jazz Music Therapy

The benefits of jazz music for your health extend beyond the emotional and mental realms. Jazz music therapy has been used to treat several health conditions, including - Anxiety - Depression - Insomnia - Stress - Trauma - Weight management These conditions are often interconnected. For example, stress is known to trigger anxiety and depression. So, by treating one of these conditions, you are also likely to treat the others... perhaps? IDK.. but hey, why not right?


Final Words

Jazz music is proven to have positive effects on your brain and cardiovascular system. Not only that, but it also has positive effects on your mental and physical health. Jazz music is proven beneficial for many health conditions, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress.

Now, you know how jazz music can benefit your health. You know how it can benefit your mental and emotional health as well as how it can benefit your physical health. So, what are you waiting for? Turn on some jazz music or go take in a show and enjoy the benefits. :D Lol

Thanks for reading and enjoy the day.





Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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