Looking Reasons For People Go To The Mall - Visiting DeliPark Mall


Hello everyone and all members of the ASEAN Hive Community. What are you doing this year-end holiday or this new year? There are many activities that people usually do during the New Year holidays, such as gathering with family or going on vacation. Unfortunately, January 1 is a holiday experienced by everyone in this world. So, almost all tourist attractions are full of people. My wife and I went to visit one of the new and biggest malls in my city, namely DeliPark Mall. The atmosphere of this mall is very crowded, I can even feel it from the parking lot. It took me almost an hour to get a parking slot for my car. I was almost annoyed, and had the intention to turn back.



The atmosphere in the mall is very crowded. I've come to this mall several times but never felt this busy. It seems, many people think the same as us about spending time at the mall. Btw, have you ever thought about why many people like to come to the mall? even though at this time, if it was only for shopping, could it be done through the marketplace or online store? I slightly found the answer yesterday.

Metropolitan Symbol and City Progress



In one country or region we can find cities and villages. Cities and villages have lives that are opposite to each other. Some people who live in the village, will usually go to the city on holidays or weekends, one of which is visiting the mall. Malls always have tall buildings, escalators, and elevators. It is impossible to find in the village.

You can easily find some people who don't live in a big city while at the Mall. I watched it when I went to the mall yesterday. We can see them from the way they dress and when they talk to each other (especially the local language). However, you should not underestime with them. I saw for myself. Some people from this village shop a lot and spend a lot of money.

Looking for a Cool Place (Find Air Conditioner)


Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate and is crossed by the equator. The average temperature in my city, Medan City, is 34-37 C. This hot or very hot weather makes us lazy to do activities outside the house, because the body will sweat easily and can smell bad. Therefore, it might be natural for some people, including me, to go to the mall to find a cool and cool place.

Entrance Ticket Free
If we go to tourist attractions such as zoos, beaches, or other recreational areas, we have to pay an entrance ticket, except for a parakeet ticket for those who bring a vehicle. If you take public transportation, you will not be charged for parking.



Some people can be content with just walking around and looking at branded products on display in shop windows (the fancy term is Window Shopping). My friend, often pretends to want to buy perfume and then does a test on her clothes, and of course there is no need to pay, we just have no shame.

Authenticity and Original of Product
Products sold in malls are usually more expensive than the same product, but we buy them in the marketplace or online stores. This is quite reasonable because every brand that opens a store in the Mall has to pay rent, taxes, etc. However, the originality of a product will be more guaranteed, we can also check the product that we want to buy.

Food and Hang Out
One of the reasons I go to the Mall is looking for good food. At the mall, we can find various food tenants who sell various types of food with varying prices. We can adjust what we want to eat with the condition of the money in our wallet.

I often see teenagers going to hang out at the mall. Sometimes they only ordered one drink at Starbucks, but seven teenagers sat and chatted. Maybe they are saving money but still want to hang out.

Cool and Clean Toilets



One of the advantages of the Mall is that they have always clean and cool toilets. The interior of the toilet is very comfortable to look at, and I have never found the toilet to be wet or muddy because of the water that is spilling out.

Entertainment Arena
Every cinema in my city is located inside a mall. So, to be able to go to the cinema, we have to go to the Mall, and go up to the highest floor. In addition to cinemas, there are several entertainment venues provided by the Mall, such as playing ground, arcade games, or indoor theme parks.

Okay, here are some reasons why I or some other people go to the Mall. Maybe, you will wonder why I didn't include the reason "looking for discounts", this is because I never look for discounts at the Mall. In my opinion, the seller must have marked up the price and then gave a discount, so that it has the impression of being cheaper than the original price.

What is your reason for going to the mall?

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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