Our Mountain Adventure in Sta Cruz

Hi, I’m back again after my vacation for two days. With my baby, we went to the mountain on Monday since a class suspension was declared at all school levels. What a tiring but enjoyable adventure it was. The mountain is the place where we lived since I was born ‘till I was 10 years old. I was a little girl when I left there, but has went back with my baby now that I’m 32. It has been more than 20 years since I haven’t come back.
From Butuan City is only a 30-minute car ride to the town of Sibagat Agusan del Sur. It was a double ride going to the mountain. We only rode in a car from Butuan to the town. From the town, we rode a Habal-habal going to the mountain. This kind of transportation is a motorcycle attached with wooden wings so that it can load more than two passengers and baggage. The last time I rode in this vehicle was when I was 10 and it once again happened now that I’m 32. Dangerous for some people who are not used to it, but it is the most enjoyable ride for me while overlooking the mountains. Driving in this type of vehicle is a way of living for some people there. Carrying passengers is their job to support their family. Fare back and forth from the mountain to the town is 5$.
We dropped down at the place of Mahayahay to buy fish and meat as our pasalubong for our grandpa. Pasalubong is a Filipino culture in which one should bring a gift for his family after a long trip. Since it was my grandpa’s 74th birthday, we brought him a cake, meat and gifts. His grandchildren had agreed secretly on Facebook messenger to gather all our money to spend it for his feast.
The road isn’t cemented and steep that only safe for motorcycles. Four wheels can run here but since it’s a narrow road, it’s still dangerous especially when it rains. The pathways becomes crooked and slippery when wet. Adventurous people won’t complain because they’re fearless enough. Yet, even if the road isn’t safe, there are no reported accidents I hear because the drivers have grown up on this bumpy and muddy pathway. It was even worse before when it didn’t cause any concerns to the politicians.
After 22 years, I finally passed by this hanging bridge. I didn’t have an experience in it because it wasn’t built yet. I just saw it on our relatives every time they visit the place. Sta Cruz is the name of the mountain that is resided by 100 people presently. It has a neighboring place, namely Magsaysay where we need to cross the hanging bridge going there. Way back when I was a little girl, I studied far away from Sta Cruz marching to Magsaysay where I needed to cross the river. As I said, there was no bridge at that time. It was scary when it floods.
I had so many memories of this river. Since I was little, all the people that lived there have made logging a livelihood. They used to float the tree in the river and raft it to the town of Sibagat to sell to their buyers. When there was no bridge before, there was always a bamboo raft here that loaded the motorcycles just to cross.
This is the small barangay of Sta Cruz. It is surrounded by green mountains and trees. The air is different compared to the city, as well as the climate. Even if it’s noon, we can’t experience hot weather but fresh air from nature.
The people were welcoming when we arrived. We were like a royal family in the way they treated us. After a tiring ride, we could relax because they cooked. Some people had brought cooked sweet potatoes so we could eat plenty of it. There was also someone who brought cassava, banana, young coconut, and vegetables. Since it was our grandpa’s birthday, men in the place gathered together to cook. Women cleaned the house and washed the dishes for us. My heart was full of joy to see people helping each other just to treat us better. I thought that borrowing things from a neighbor culture is gone, but it still exists in there. They borrowed a grilling stand to barbecue the fish we bought. We were so full when it was cooked.
After 22 years, I finally visited my Alma Mater. During no classes, yet, we used to play and cook benignet behind the school building, nap with fairytale stories, climb at the Calachuchi trees, and read the books. Sadly, most of the part of the schools are gone. I wish they didn’t change the place because lots of memories are kept there.
After a long travel, here is my baby enjoying the beautiful place. It was her first ride on a motorcycle with wings. Now she is relaxing in the shade of the school.
Looking back at this house gave me a teary eye. This is where we lived before. It was surrounded by plenty of trees, flowers, and vegetables, but now, it’s different. My mother sold this house to our relative for only 300$.
Houses there these days are usually made of wood as it is surrounded by flowers and vegetables. They have an abundant plants. It wasn’t hard for my aunt to cook because the ingredients were just in the yard.
This is their church. Viewing from afar, the ground looks amazing. The place is abundant of green grasses. Behind is also the mountain. Below that mountain is a flowing river where we used to wash our clothes before. We also used to picnic with my family while listening to the dramas of the radio.
After exploring the houses, it was time for us to visit the river of Hampapalay. I was on a cloud nine when I finally stepped on the river water we used to swim all day long.
This is the spot where we used to do the laundry long time ago. We couldn’t even realize were done washing the clothes because we were talking about lots of things. Women and mothers gathered in this place while washing and it was not boring anymore. After washing the clothes, we should put the wet ones on the rocks ‘till they dry.
This is the tall rock of the river. The kids there are fearless to jump to the water. It is shallow that is why it’s safer to jump from the top.
The clean and clear river is enticing that we don’t wanna stop swimming. It was enjoyable to relax at the water for four hours and it was not even enough. Sadly, we needed to stop at 5 pm because it rained. It is dangerous when the rain comes because it may flood. I couldn’t resist the strong current when the rain came way back before. I was drifted into the strong current, but my cousin immediately saved my life by grabbing my hand. It was my scariest memory in this river but it doesn’t give me a trauma. It only gave me a warning to avoid the water when the rain comes for it might be dangerous.
This is an overlooking from the top. I immediately took a picture when we went back to the house of my aunt because I couldn’t resist the magnificent view. While I took a picture, I asked when can I come back again. Will it be another 22 years? Oh no, I hope not.
How about you? What is the place that you haven’t visited for a long time where you built a lot of beautiful memories? Do you miss it? Would you like to come back? Do you have a nostalgic feeling of going back to your birthplace? Anyway, bye for now my friends. Thank you for passing by.

Thank you amazing friends @olivia08, @diosarich and @antonette.Thank you @justinparke for your kindness and delegation. Thank you @asean.hive for your unfading support. Love love all the way!

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