Hive Travel Journal||| Hiking and Bird Rescue

It's Thursday, and the rest of us are now relaxing with their families. What I will share with you today is about my trip earlier. I got up early and fetched water because my plan was to walk here at the foot of the mountain. Here in our place, only insects, animals, plants and trees can be seen so our place is very fresh and quiet, away from noisy cars, factories, people and others.


I will also share with you my rescue of the little bird. While I was walking I noticed a bird just standing in the middle of the road. I immediately took it because it couldn't walk or fly. In my mind, the hen was teaching it to fly, but because it didn't know how, it fell into a tall tree because its wing was injured, so it couldn't fly. I immediately treated his wounds, I applied crushed Hagonoy plant, this is a type of plant that heals wounds. Then I immediately put it back on the high tree so that no animal that eats it could reach it.


When we love our surroundings we can really enjoy the beauty of nature. We have a big part and obligation in this world and one of them is to take care of our environment. It's just a simple and small thing but can give big and good results for the future.


This is what we call the Japanese snail, I saw it while I was walking towards the mountain. He is closed or clinging to the abana tree and his color is very beautiful in his shell. There are many of these types of snails here in our area, usually we only see small ones. It lives in cold and sunless places such as bamboo trees, and under large rocks. What it eats are leaves and it can be said that it is quite damaging to crops, especially vegetables. We move it to a far place so that it does not harm the plants.


In our area, you can see various trees and wild plants. We only allow it to provide a fresh and beautiful place. The picture shows the towering bamboo trees along with the Mahogany tree and palm tree. They grow on the banks of the river and help prevent soil erosion and keep the area safe from floods. There are also animals that we usually see here such as iguana, tikling or quail, palaos or Monitor lizard, hawk or eagle and many others. But we let all of that happen because it also helps nature.


I will also share with you this huge oud that is called a caterpillar. It will change form and become a butterfly in the next few days. I saw it on the abana tree, it was fun to watch while eating the leaves. His colors are also beautiful, his body is green with orange color in other parts of it. We don't kill this type of insect, but we put it in the high part of the tree so that the chickens don't eat it. I have only seen this type of insect once so I immediately took a photo.

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