Key Steps To Become A Valuable Woman

Greetings, #HiveWorld! Today, I want to impart some of the actions I take to become a valuable woman since March is Women's Month, let's empower the universe, ladies! .

I strive for self-improvement every day in every aspect of my life, but it is a challenging undertaking that demands a lot of drive. Sustaining my sense of enthusiasm can be an entire-time commitment in and of myself. Defining goals empowers me to concentrate on specific targets that I desire to realise. If I don't establish any long-term goals for myself, it's quite easy for me to become demotivated. My assessment scores are undoubtedly important if I have no fascination with the insights I learned from the moment. Executing short-term goals will assist me in dealing with the primary quests I encounter. By splitting up my ultimate objectives into manageable bits, defining targets for each day and week can assist me in moving nearer to them. It is essential for me to truly figure out how to enrich myself. I must declare myself antiquated. If I fail to thrive, someone else will.

  • Enriching My Expertise

Is there an expertise I possess that I believe will be highly sought after in a couple of decades? Is there an expertise that is getting increasingly vital as time passes? I don't confine myself to a specific field. Being multi-skilled is an excellent approach to market myself.

My Fresh Blossoms Artwork (headdress)

Drawing is among my favourite interests. In my personal view, you don't have to be an exceptionally gifted artist to have your work shown. I sketch stuff to brighten myself up and make me cheerful when I'm upset. I can exhibit my creativity via drawing.

Drawing-A Lady With A Floral Headdress

Though drawing is more complicated than it first seems. It requires a great deal of strategy and attention. A great approach to bringing things to life is through drawing. As a fiery artist, my go-to stuff includes fresh flower petals, leaves, and seeds(seldom used), along with sketching paper and pen.

Fresh Floral Artwork (Tutu)

Crocheting is one of my interests. It's an art, a hobby, a creative outlet, a passion, and so much more all rolled into one. I can make my passion a source of financial resources.

Scrap Crocheted and
Crystals/Glass Bracelets

Making money from it and thinking about changing what was once a hobby into something from which I can earn a reasonable livelihood are both enticing!

Crocheted Halter Top/Mesh Shorts/Beanies

Crocheted items are becoming increasingly fashionable. I can now offer and sell my creations more easily than ever before from the comfort of my own home. Like a social media crochet influencer, I may share my most recent crochet works with my website's followers, viewers, and friends.

My Vanity Bag Design

  • Boosting My Knowledge

Being in the digital age is a huge asset because there are so many possibilities for getting knowledge. All I need to be productive is a strong desire to learn. In this sense, hunger for knowledge is essential. The most crucial element in determining who triumphs and who crashes, especially with the abundance of data available at my grasp, is the willingness to grow as an individual. Learning about practically everything is a breeze when one is curious.

Here are some hand-picked links to my written pieces:




Heartfelt gifts motivate others, and talent is something you offer to yourself. I enjoy writing poetry, flash fiction and soul-stirring content. I would like to do so more extensively. I value writing since it benefits both other people's and my well-being. Writing fosters and achieves success. Writing makes it easier to understand how the reality of a discipline is determined. One's capacity for written expression defines how well-organized and articulate one's ideas are. If you pen every day, you are open to any artistic opportunity that comes your way

Overall, literature has a tremendous impact on the lives of people in a society; you never know how a single word can resonate with millions of people. Keep, read, read... Reading has been shown to aid in squeezing stress and breathing. It protects the elderly against cognitive deterioration and memory loss. It also helps us become more sensitive and self-aware by addressing some mental diseases. After you've finished reading this blog, why not put down your laptop/cellphone and pick up a nice book?

  • Allow enjoyment to fuel my spirit:

Everything in life has the power to nurture my inner being in such a manner that I can feel pleased for just one moment in time. If I lead my life with awe, compassion, and an open heart at all times, the blessings of life will flow into my delight, and my life will transform. I challenge myself to enjoy the excitement that overflows from everything. It is as much in the rain as it is in the sun, crisp and cold, because they both evoke an enormous variety of sensations.

I must inhale deeply and express my gratitude for my current situation. I'll do everything in my strength to appreciate the good things in life at every turn. There will always be difficult days, but I can't let them demoralise or divert my attention. Every horrific experience yielded fresh insights and opportunities to apply the tiny bits of knowledge inscribed into the remnants of my brain, fragments that ultimately blended to form who I am now.

When I'm feeling blue or sad, a walk in the garden can lift my spirits and make me happy when I see a fresh flower in bloom, hear birds chirping in the background or see gorgeous butterflies fluttering from flower to flower collecting nectar.

Hearing one of my favourite songs playing on the radio. Contentment and wellness are built on upbeat, happy relationships. Visiting and a simple talk with a friend may recharge the power source and keep me going for the rest of the day. It's also unavoidable to be hopeful (yet realistic) about the foreseeable future.

Keeping trim or engaging in exercise isn't just beneficial for my health, but also does wonders for relieving stress. It spurs my creative side and problem-solving abilities, as well as allows me to sleep better without those pesky thoughts that keep me awake at night.

Dancing is one of the most effective techniques for me to reset my mind. It lets me sort through myriad ideas with an open-minded and tranquil approach, and it even enables me to forego my problems at the doorstep. It enhances cognitive focus in addressing day-to-day issues, whether professional or personal.

  • Adopt a cognitive tweaking.

This is perhaps the most difficult to accomplish. I have a propensity to perceive the world through the same lens frequently. I see the world in the precise way I always have. But, before it's too late, I need to shift my perspective. To improve my thoughts, I must acknowledge that the world is changing. Anticipate my current world to operate in various ways than it did a decade ago. I shouldn't count on the world to thrive the same way it does now in ten years. Being open about this will make upgrading my lens a lot easier. Getting out of my comfort zone is a vital aspect of self-improvement. Flex my hamstrings. Put my mastery to the test. It's simpler said than done, but I will eventually come out on top.

I am grateful to my son's sponsor for giving me the rare opportunity to work with their family business. She offered me a career as a ghostwriter and editing assistant at an internationally recognised publishing company, as well as an internet shopper for her nephew (I will write about this in my next blog). I took advantage of the work opportunity she offered. It broadens my knowledge, encourages connection, and helps to lessen the sadness I'm still experiencing after my son's passing. Instead of obsessing over the anguish that I am experiencing, I may focus on other beneficial activities that will broaden my outlook on life.

I own a commercial property in Laguna that is offered for lease; I can profit from it, and in some cases, I can even generate positive cash flow. Being a lessor is a viable career path; after all, every lessee learns something and is usually financially successful. Creating a long-term commercial land lease, also known as a ground lease, can give a consistent revenue flow for years, even decades. A ground lease has the advantage of providing a consistent source of income for an extended period. It also, in my experience, tends to result in a low-cost boost in value. With this in mind, and with Divine intervention, I could have solved my situation with my son's medical demands, but he died last year. My mother and I decided to return to our hometown of Davao City. I am currently selling the property and will purchase another business property in Davao City in replacement for the Laguna property that I will sell
and lease it out to earn money each month in addition to my pension and other expenses.


I guess I have burned lavishly of your time. I am delighted to impart a small chunk about me with you and I am thrilled about heading toward this amazing avenue with all of you!

Thank you for fetching around my blog and checking out the post. Catch you on my next blog.

About The Author

A feisty artist and writer who balances her time penning poetry, soul-stirring content and flash fiction, sketching, and designing by using fresh blossoms, needlework, gardening, baking, and caring for her partially impaired vision Mom after her intellectually and physically challenged son passed away. She explores unexpected views that ignite her zest for life.

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