Nora and Zaharah

These ladies are my favourite client of all time. Zaharah was born in the 30s, do the math! Her business partner Nora is also a nice lady from my home town.

How we got to know each other? It was a long story, but worth documenting. I joined the company back in 2014. And my company purchased another insurance company in 2016. So, their client become our client.

That still, we didn't see each others even if we're under the same umbrella of corporation. Until the lockdown, their account handler started leaving one by one. By the time the lockdown being uplifted, these accounts are left unattended.

I think that point of time, I picked up a call from Nora shouting nobody is taking care of their business. Insurance policies were left unattended. Trust me, not the best kind of introduction, until we have a chance to sit down and talk terms and finally came to an agreement, I become a good officer that deliver my promise, and they become a good client bringing in business and payment on time.

It was a company dinner, I've invited a number of my most valuable clients to attend, and guess how many of them turn up? 🤣

Now that I'm thinking of change job, I will be feeling so sad to not able to bring these ladies along to my new company. Or if I become a Grab driver, god knows who will be attending their work

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