The all-woman outstation at Doi Inthanon in Thailand!

I should start out by explaining what an outstation actually is. This is when we travel outside of Chiang Mai for few days to a somewhat exotic area not too far away to do multiple runs on separate days. Food and accommodation is arranged which of course you have to pay for but we get a group discount. Also, unlike many of our local runs, we have secured permission to use the land before we arrive. This is something that sometimes gets us in trouble here locally because we are technically trespassing everywhere that we go.


Outstations have the potential to be a great bonding experience because although we are all mostly friends anyway, you aren't just going on a run and drinking beer but are meeting for breakfast and going on mini excursions with the other members that decide to come along. I have been on quite a few of these but this is one that I wanted to go on but was not allowed because I don't have the correct equipment downstairs.

This is a Bunny Hash event and they always have the right to make this call if they want. I don't blame them for this because I can agree that sometimes it is more fun to just go on these things with the fellas and nobody has to worry about their significant other getting in the way of having a good time. When the men have these things we sometimes disallow women from attending and therefore it is perfectly acceptable that the women would want to do that same thing. They are their own organization even though we fly under the same banner. Nobody's feelings are hurt because of this and it is just part of the way that we operate up here.


So all the fellas have to simply rely on photos of the event and if someone is involved in a relationship with one of these women - which is frequently the case because a family that Hashes together, stays together - the men have to stay home and look after the house and kids if they have them, and this is probably a wonderful break for the ladies anyway.

They always have a great time and as expected, they always have much better food than the fellas do. They also rarely end up with massive hangovers the likes of which is just a regular thing when the men go on an outstation. I suppose this is a primary difference between men and women because the dudes just seem to want to get on the piss immediately whereas with the ladies they see the booze as a temporary celebration that after the moment is done, they don't want to drink anymore. Sometimes I think the ladies have life figured out a lot better than the guys do.

Unfortunately for any non-members of the Chiang Mai Hash this is a closed event taking place but we do have the upcoming Cherry-Breaker annual run coming up in late November. There are still some spots left for that and you can get the full details at our official website, here



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