Careful if the Chiang Mai Hash women offer you this stuff

The women of the Chiang Mai HHH are the reason why we ever have any food other than potato chips and bananas at our events. There is an old saying that Thai women can't go more than a couple of hours without eating and will become very fussy if one attempts to make them do so.

On the men only events on Mondays, I don't think we have ever had anything to eat other than bags of chips. There's plenty of beer though which is what we are really there for anyway.

Sometimes the ladies will make some stuff to share with everyone but there is one thing that they will put out that you need to be very afraid of if you are a foreigner.


That might look like chili con carne to the untrained eye but I truly feel sorry for anyone that picks up that spoon and takes of mouthful of that witches brew. It is something called Nam Prik and it is meant to be taken in teeny tiny doses with a vegetable of some sort. It is absolutely loaded with chilis and it will knock your socks off. Or in my case it will set your mouth on fire and give you hiccups that are nigh on impossible to get rid of.

Beer has zero effect on the burning sensation and in many ways it just makes it worse.

The ladies or "bunnies" of the Hash chomp that stuff down like it was ranch dressing on chips though.


I don't know exactly what it is about Thai women but their spice threshold is something I am quite in awe of. I'm pretty sure they could cover their Rice Krispies with Tabasco and not even notice there was anything spicy in it. To them, Tabasco is a waste of time and tastes like nothing is there.

For the most part I just avoid anything that the ladies put out because they normally do not warn us about the spiciness of it and I think they may actually be trolling us and hoping that we do eat it so they can see our reactions.

It's all in good fun though and if they enjoy it, then go for it! I'll stick to the bananas and potato chips in the meantime.


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