It is a good night when you wakeup under a Bus in a Hammock

The evening started to get louder as the sun went further away from the overhead position. As the commotion and excitement filled the tin roof area I went further and further away from the noise.

Here I find a pistachio with the fruit attached to it.

The top brown part is the nut. The flesh of this fruit is not the best and has a very odd smell. I don't think I would eat it if I did not know better.

I did not realise these photos came out so bad. Having others hold something's is not the way to go...of it is my shaking hands not sure.
You get the idea. As we wander around I am confronted with these that I have found sitting around.

There is regular glass on these home made goggles.

Fascinating how they have made these out of parts and pieces found around. Impressive that this hold the water back and not getting glass into the face of the user.

This type of creation is what inspires me about the people in Vietnam.

They work as well as we shall see in the posts ahead.

The night time walk bring out creatures that I have not seem before

Cool little frog that wander the sandy beach.

I make my way back to my tent for the night and still toss and turn with the partying that happened close by.....Ill move on tomorrow and make another post about the late night Hermit crab expedition that I had. But I wanna wrap up this area of what else was seen during the time spent here.

The party as it builds.

The evening as I lay there in the tent and see the sun go down

The time passes ....

Ever so slowly as I lay there .....

The sun creeps away.....

And then it goes darker faster then I expected.

The noise continues and it makes it hard to sleep late at night it now is. I'll make another post about what happened during the late night Hermit crab walk.

But for now lets jump to the morning and see the results of what happened.

Wait what is that ....

Is that guy hurt....?

He look all tied up...oh no what happened?

Oh he is sleeping there

Nice idea on where to get off the ground and out of the rain that might come through and yet have a place that you can sleep . Sold move.

Good spot.

Well that is about all I got for the day that will be in a bit of a haze as I walked the night away.

The I wander around is the one by the name of, Cam Lập Cam Ranh, Khánh Hòa. A place theta has brought many ups and down and a bit more too be found in the place with the next post about the Hermit crab and how that all was walk along night of fun. Something I have wanted to see in nature for a long time and here it is.
Thanks for having a look and seeing the late night happening that took place this time around.

--> Have you been to a place that captured your mind for a long time? Have you explored this place and perhaps the places around this land mass? You should leave a comment about what you saw and how it affected your life.

  • I hope you enjoyed pictures a bit random this time for I want to save the Hermit crab for the its oven post. I hope you liked the eyeful and are ready for more tomorrow.

Check out Pinmapple for my map of places that I have been and it will take you Back In Time.

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