ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #82 (Business On Wheels): Resourceful and Hardworking People

Hello Asean Hive Community! Welcome to my second blog for this community.

Nowadays it's very hard to find money to survive as inflations are happening so it's important to find ways to sustain our needs. Each one of us has their own ways of coping with life everyday. Some work hard even under the heat of the sun just to have food to feed for the family. While others used what they think can help them earn money like using their motorcycles or tricycles, Multicab pick up type and many more to sell foods or other daily needs that we consume everyday. Being resourceful is very important especially in times of crisis so that we won't starve as resourcefulness is one of the things that help people get through in life.

For this week's Asean Hive Community Challenge which is Business on Wheels, here I will share some businesses that I saw in our place.


First business on wheels to present is this fish sold and carried by motorcab or tricycle. There are lots of this seen in our area. While some of this business stays in the market and wait for some costumers, some of those travel to sell the fishes they have on those big styrofoams. They use megaphones to broadcast what they sell and here are those who pass by our house.



📣 Isda ya. Galunggong, Tamban, Peret, Tilapia, Bangus (This is fish. Mackarel Scad, Sardinella tawilis, Mackarel Tuna, Tilapia, Milk Fish)

This is what they will broadcast as they are on the road. Some people will stop them to buy while others will just inquire how much per kilo is. Sometimes we would buy from them but most of the time I will just buy in the market as their weighing scale is not accurate. When I bought one kilo from them and weighed it in our weighing scale, it would be just 0.75 kg or a little more but does not reach 1 kilogram. It does not meet the one kilo that I said to them. I don't know what they had adjusted in the scale to cheat the weight so I rather bought in the market especially when my budget is too tight. Yes, it's good if we support this kind of businesses but not all of the time though. We also need to be mindful of what's going on if we want to save money.




Next is this cab selling different kind of fruits. There are lots of fruits to choose from and as I observe the seller is playing on his phone while waiting for customers. To avoid boredom while waiting for some customers,he entertain himself by playing games on his phone since not all passersby will take a look of the goods he sell.



The third business I've seen is this cab loaded with some lanzones. There are lots of this fruits sold around the place, some on stalls while others are displayed on cabs. Though there are lots of vendors selling this kind of fruit around the area, I still see few customers who brought from these two vendors after I had taken this photo.



In this modern times, I see lots of changes with the way how people live and how some businesses works. Way back 2011 while I was living with my father in the city, I remembered that when we ran out of mineral water, we had to go to the refilling station for our containers to be refilled. Now, the mineral water sellers are now the ones who will travel to sell those waters.


📣 Tubig, Mineral, Tubig (Water, Mineral, Water)

It's not the crow of roosters or alarm of the clock that wake me up in the morning, it's the sound from the megaphone from this water sellers that stirs me up from my sleep. When I hear 📣 Tubig, Mineral, Tubig I already know that it's already time to get up and prepare for our breakfast. Thanks to them, I don't need to set an alarm. Lol.




Lastly is this motorcab selling different kind of spices like garlic🧄, onions🧅, bell pepper🫑, chili pepper🌶️, tomatoes🍅, and sakurabs (native shallots). Those spices are already packed in plastics. I think most of those spices that are on plastics cost 20 pesos each.

These are all the businesses I found in the last few days. I know there are still some that aren't featured here like the ice cream vendors, street food vendors and other food vendors like balut and peanut but I haven't taken a photo of them because I didn't spot them in the area where I went to.

This blog is my participation on this week's Asean Hive Community Challenge #82 which is Business on Wheels. If you'd wish to participate, click the highlighted Asean Hive Community Challenge #82 in the first part of this blog. Thanks Sir @justinparke for this week's amazing theme.

Thank you for reading!

Happy Friday!

Much love,


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