What commitment means to an entrepreneur

It was raining this morning and i was skeptical about a woman that sells beans cake in my street if she was able to come out, so i just said let me check, on getting there she was there, i was really surprised because some people will say its raining so lets relax since its my personal business but this lady is out there and she's wet because she was very busy selling her goods to people.

I decided to engage her because i love engaging entrepreneurs wether big or small because i learn a lot from them and the experience they often relate.

So I decided to asked her why she came out despite the rain, her answer brought my mind to what commitment means to an entrepreneur who wants to succeed.

She said "People often look for Akara (beans cake) when its raining because they want something hot at that time" she also explained that she has been able to build her customers trust because they know that come rain come shine she will always be there while so many Akara shop will not open because its raining, she's so committed to the extent that anyday she couldn't come people will assume that she's sick and most people will call to see why she didn't come to her business.

It was an interesting conversation because i asked her how she got to learn how important is commitment, she said its through her mother who was a business owner, she told her that when she's committed to her business people will trust her and business will grow, people kept coming to buy her akara.

Commitment a tip to success.

As an entrepreneur commitment shows that dedication to reach your set goals, commitment involves self sacrifice because most times it might not really be easy to meet up with some target but been committed helps an entrepreneur to sacrifice the last energy just to do some task involved.

A committed entrepreneur do not care about emotions and comfort, the focus is how to reach customers satisfaction and attract others to the business.

Just like the lady i meet in the morning, her commitment has attracted so many new customers tho its sometimes inconveniencing for her but her business growth is her main concern not comfort.

A committed entrepreneur thinks of how to create impact on peoples life by solving a particular problem through what they sell or the service they offer, this helps to guide the thinking and decisions they make.

There are so many competitors so commitment makes an entrepreneur stand out, like the lady, she has more than four competitors but her commitment has made her stand out and be successful.

She took her time to check what she can do differently from others which is coming out during rainy days thereby providing breakfast for people, a commited entrepreneur will always look for exceptional ways to do more than others in the market.

What is involved in commitment.

Commitment means more than just saying am committed, it requires some essential things like more capital, that is why an entrepreneur can go for loan to be financially committed in his or her business because going extra mile to satisfy customers involves having all the goods and services they need, it also involves some extra time and energy.

When you are committed, during challenges it will be easier to cope with and move on, a committed entrepreneur will always look at challenges and failures as stepping stones to move on to success, this mindset helps the entrepreneur to build a strong heart and strong team that help during challenges or failures.

The Akara lady mentioned that her worst challenge was the day hoodlums throw away her full basin of blended beans and she lost a huge amount of money but she didn't stop because she knows that challenges will definitely come from time to time.

Since the major factor is the customers, a commited will always want to know whats new about the customers, he doesn't joke with customers feedback.

Challenges of commitment.

So sad that a committed entrepreneur can suffer burnout if care is not taking because most likely the only thing she thinks about is how to make the customers happy thereby ignoring some body signals that shows that the body is shutting down.

Sadly most single people who are seriously committed in building their business find it difficult to fall in love because they don't even have time for love and emotions but they later regret such cause, some who are already married might not remember their duty as married man or woman and this can strain or even lead to divorce.


Commitment is very crucial for an entrepreneur to succeed but the challenges can cause lifetime effect on the person so its very important to set realistic goals not choking goals that will separate us or isolate us from our family and friends.

An entrepreneur should always bear in mind that only the living can be counted successful so while you want to be committed, make sure you take a very good care of yourself and your family.

Success is a journey not a destination, keep pushing you will definitely get there

All images are mine

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