Addicted to Conspiracies: Context and Solutions

As individuals who seek truth, meaning and purpose in this world it is critical that we develop a sense for calling out our own shortcomings, biases and reactions to the system. There's a real danger for the individual to spend-away years of his/her life in pursuit of a phantom; a hamster-wheel journey devoid of meaningful self-realization

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Sometimes in life you come across a movie, a song and specially a book that vocalizes an innate sentiment you feel within your body. The opposite scenario also rings true: You can spend your whole life reading the wrong books, singing the wrong tune only to become a spectator to your own personal movie. As a life-time truth seeker I discovered that the magnetic pull into the Spectacle of society AND the Carnival of Conspiracy is fraught with subtle implications. Erich Fromm points out:


"Conspiracy Theorists" as a label is now a badge of honor, not because of its impact to fundamentally change society -- but rather as a reaction to the growing realization of the people's political impotence. If we truthfully contextualize the past 50 years of political activism and radical conspiracies, then frankly we are dealing with a merry-go-round. The Carnival Conspiracy is a big business in the information age; viral conspiracies leverage the attention of millions of people, and in turn ICONS are created and mass produced.

Whether he is kind, intelligent, productive, courageous matters little if these qualities have not been of use to make him successful. On the other hand, if he is mediocre as a person, writer, artist, or whatever, and is a narcissistic, aggressive drunken, obscene headline maker he will--given some talent, easily become the "leading artists or writers," of the day. --IBID

The truth in essence becomes a game of Interactive Internet Activities in which the point of the game is to circumvent the algorithmic censorship, public skepticism by a torrent of clicks, angry comments and apocalyptic media-commentators. Oddly enough the clowns of the 90's have now become the rock-stars who are here to save us: Donald Trump is one of many prominent examples.

When we think of Conspiracy as a neutral word, not as a pejorative or derivation of a master narrative --it opens up for discussion a particular issue with self-described "Conspiracy Realists". Speculative reasoning without a grounded effort to seek the truth, devoid of self-actualized concentration begets unearned, uncontextualized knowledge with disastrous results.

In general, we can extend this critical analysis to media junkies or other addictions --however in particular the popularization of conspiracy theories has only increased the bizarreness, inauthenticity of the media landscape. Conspiracies are monetized to further entrain the minds of men into the Spectacle without offering meaningful, long-term viable solutions. We are still at the stage of following, subscribing and buying up merchandise from "leaders" who hypnotized us with infotainment.

For die-hard fanatics of conspiracies their realization of the Big Lie becomes their cul-de-sac, their badge of honor and ultimately depersonalizes them back into the collective. The delineated paths of rebellion in tandem with Automated Manipulation beguiles us into spending our time, attention and life energy within the comfortable construct of the media-circus.

As I outlined repeatedly in my articles, podcasts and videos: conspiracy-theories ideally should represent a stepping-stone and ultimately an exit from the Spectacle. Erich Fromm's critical analysis of post-modernity, the human condition and in his book "The Art of Being," offers us insights and meaningful solutions. More importantly, it critically underscores the tragic development of a disenchanted, mechanized society in which individual purpose and meaning is thoroughly eroded.


We've succumbed to the allure of fame, intellectual arrogance and a misguided sense of power over "the normies." Whether we admit to it or not, we see the world through the spectrum of Ideology. The organization of disjointed ideas, superfluous narrative and the mythologization of individuation is a classic pitfall with tragic consequences.

To transcend this predictable trajectory of ideologues, speculative narratives and a marginalized public who seeks immediate solutions --individuals should strive to reclaim the IDEAL from the Carnival of Conspiracy and the never-ending Spectacle of our schizophrenic society.

To Reclaim Your Power and to Learn to Enjoy Your Life -- takes considerable effort to localize your attention, energy and time towards your personal realization.

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In spite of the apocalyptic headlines, messianic personas and the lack of fame --the individual must persevere to ACTUALIZE the ideal of freedom, truth and purpose.

To embody our creative potential...we must go beyond chasing conspiracies and start CREATING them.

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