Abundance in Practice

Recently, I taken up foraging wild herbs, mushrooms and it reminds of the freedom, abundance and wisdom which is present in all aspects of life.

I recently discovered an abundance of Mullein, Mimosa, plantain and medicinal mushrooms such as: wood ears, turkey tail and lions mane.

The wide range of medicinal benefits of these plants and mushrooms is extensive. Nature provides universal abundance through a wide variety of wild herbs which promote health, vitality and wisdom.

Discovering the abundance of life begins when you connect with the sacred fountain of wisdom within. This inborn power to create reality lies beyond the delineated path of scarcity, coercion and fear!

The challenge lies in forging an authentic Self which transcends limitations; a Self which transforms rather than conform.


Ultimately, society is conditioned to prefer artificial, digital environments which entrain our attention to algorithmically curated realities. The corporate-matrix vilifies nature, detaches us from the inner fountainhead of wisdom and alienates us from the universal abundance of spontaneous reality.

Forging an authentic Self needs to transcend these imposed limitations by cheerfully embracing life without compunctions. This journey does not need an expensive life-coaching program, a seminar or even deep pockets to begin. The adventure begins when we reclaim the energy invested in the establishment's version of reality.

The power of belief goes beyond a desire for material outcomes, disempowering comforts or neurotic beliefs, but instead an overcoming of ones psychological limitations. To discover this intuitive power to unfold reality begins by developing implicit knowledge of our Self, our purpose and the world around us.

The universal abundance inherent in all things unfolds through the power of belief.


The new battleground for control of humanity is in the mind, in information gathering and analyzing of human souls. As individuals we are beset with weapons of mass disruptions, bioengineering and economic weapons which sublimate the individuated soul.

We must remind ourselves that task is not to destroy the world order to free humanity, but our duty lies in the creation of our very soul:

“The object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul.” Solzhenitsyn learned this in prison: tyrants can take everything from you but your soul... [H/T @SeanBerube4]

We are not fighting, reacting to the system or immersing ourselves in ideology but instead redefining our life beyond the reach of the establishment coercion and demoralization.

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