Harvest the last auyama of the year

Hello, dear hiver!❤️

This year I set out to have some crops in the garden, everyone's pumpkin was the only one who survived the attacks.

A few weeks ago the biggest turtle ended with the small cucumber plants, and there I said goodbye to soon harvest some salad cucumbers.

Only the pumpkin plant remained, which I have cared as much as I could, keeping turtles away from it.

To my surprise, nature did what I wanted, so the plant abandoned the ground to climb to a nearby fence that divides my small garden from the rest of the garden. The reason for this fence is the same as cucumbers. The turtles usually eat all the small plants that grow on the ground, so it will let them pass destroyed my garden.

Evolution My pumpkin plant

March 1st

On March 1 I was surprised to see these small pumpkin plants born. My cats had raised previous days there, so I thought they would not germinate.

March 26th

Little by little he took the space he assigned in the garden.

April 4

Oh! Your first flower!

April 8

On the day of the solar eclipse some flowers began to show their fruits, most of them were false alarms, and only one would be the lucky one to grow.

April 10th

April, the 21st

The first pumpkin :)

I had seen several. Buttons that came out of the plant that could. Investigated on the Internet and realized that it was due to lack of pollinators.

It was understandable, in April there were few pollinators. There were no bees near my little garden, but in the most wooded part of the garden.

As the months pass little by little they were arriving. Apparently they realized that there was a pumpkin plant that needed them. And as you can see here is the first pumpkin growing.

May 18

The pumpkin continued to grow, and some new ones appeared.

May 22nd

And on May 22 we reap the first pumpkin.

June 13th

More flowers, and bees. Manage to capture one of them in photography. I fell in love with these two photos, it is beautiful to see nature doing its magic.

June 14th

My Calabza plant was part of some scenarios. I use it in the background for some photos more than once. And besides this, I could also enjoy the beauty of its biggest leaves. Look is from here, it is one of the greatest.

June 22nd

The 22 frame one before and then, because my greatest experiment began: cultivate pumpkins vertically.

Nature did theirs, and the plant took this fence that you see here. Little by little a pumpkin began to grow, then two. Of these only one would be the lucky one.

June 26th

And so I was growing, little by little.

July 2nd





This day was a photo spam. How not to do it? There were two pumpkin, a new growing on the ground and another surprisingly in a fence.

As always I use my hands to measure, and my phone to make a photographic album.

I love to make records of how plants evolve. This helps me learn about them and their behaviors to do things better at a time.

July 8




It continues to grow, and there are new flowers.

July 24



Came the day! Yesterday July 24 and Birth of the Liberator Simón Bolívar Harche the last auyama of my plant. This first semester of the year could reap 3 pumpkin in total. They are few because I was experiencing a little.

Everything was to try to reap auyamas using little space. However, I feel that there were some mistakes on my part. I had to use a structure that would allow it to spread, as well as not control it so much. I also had to sow flowers to bring pollinators.

July 25







New starts. I can terminate the first semester of the year in terms of my garden. And now I'll start the second. I have already done seedlings, I also have the seeds of Auyama of the last pumpkin harvested.

If you wonder I did with Auyama, half was used for a delicious soup. And with the other we will prepare a rich cake.

Weight approximately 3 kg.

I hope that for this second semester of the year you can have more crops, and many more plants.

I thank God for all the good he has given us, for the fruits of the earth. And I thank this noble plant for giving me three delicious pumpkin.


Texto de mi autoría. Todas las imagenes en el post son creadas por mí en Canva, utilizando recursos gratuitos disponibles en la app.

¡Hola, soy Zul! Soy administrador, y me dedico al trabajo independiente, también creo contenido online sobre finanzas, estilo de vida y jardinería. Trabajo por tener la casa de mi sueños y mi propio negocio. De antemano, gracias apoyarme y por leer.❤️❤️


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