GARDENING - Completing the fence, more germination, watering and transporting loads of plants!

Good day all my friends on Hive and all the gardeners out there! Welcome back to my garden and my garden update!

A shoutout to @pexelhuntersam, I hope your garden is doing well! Let's see some pictures! Also looking forward to seeing how @lex-zaiya is doing!

The current state before I started working. As you can see the little growbox is still doing well.

I used some bottle ends to cover the tomatoes for a few days to get them established in the soil and protected from the wind.

Right... on to the fence. I have been building on this guy for months now it seems and now that the frame had settled in the earth and after putting the creeping frame and the box up, it was time to complete the rest of it. Let's do some DIY!

The Fence

One think I would like to stress about the fence and the materials used. Though I might buy something here and there, I focus on the sustainability and cost saving factor of reusing materials to create things. Pallet wood, discarded items and household rubbish can be re-used instead of going out and buying something off the shelf, in a package and throwing things away.

Right, I needed to make a 45 degree cross brace in this location as I was not going to span wood from one upright to another.

And bocked that one in...

... and fixing the wood into the frame using screws. Always use screws instead of nails where you can. They stay in better and they come out easier should you wish to remove them for any reason!

I installed the other two and realized that I still have a gap. I made a plan with this and removed a slat from the pallet top I was going to use on the next block and then propped it up with another piece of wood from the frame up.

We got some old growboxes from @clairemobey's mom! Here I am quickly sanding down the wood and grinding down any nails still sticking out of it. Of course, wear safety goggles when doing this!

I will work just about anywhere but it was nice to work outside in the warm sun of Spring! Looking forward to spending more time in this garden this coming season!

Another example of reuse... an old and blunt nail that was smacked out of a piece and wood and blunted. Because it was straight, I kept it.

Then using the grinder, I sharpened the tip and drove it into the wood where I needed it. I needed to just pin a block down before using more screws. Sturdy constructions!

There we have the right-most piece in as well as the centre block.

And the final block I am not completely sold on this construction yet. For now, it will do. Maybe this solid wall will be good for protecting plants from wind. I will always be able to remove it and replace it with a more similar pallet material once I find some!

Another close look at the grow boxes. I think I should get a bunch more herbs and such to plant here.

POLL: Do you guys think I should paint these boxes inside and/or out before putting some material inside and filling it up? What do you say?

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