My Home Garden #11 | Growth Update of Indian Red Chilli Plant

πŸ™Namaste to all #Hive gardeners and #Nature lovers.πŸ™

Remember, about a month ago in my home garden blog #5, I took you all on the journey of Growing a Plant from Fresh Chilli Seeds. In which I gave you all the information from germinating seeds to becoming plants, preparing soil mix for them and planting them in big pots. However, 2 of those plants could not survive as they fell victim to a disease soon after germination. But somehow I was able to save 2 plants after a lot of difficulties. However, after recovering from the disease, their growth had slowed down a bit and perhaps because of that, they have now started flowering at about half their average height.

The Bad

  • However, this is more carelessness than a mistake because I should have understood that the smaller the plant, the easier it will be affected by diseases. Especially when I first saw the leaves of the plant looking bent and sad, I should have started treating them, but I ignored it and thought that it would get better on its own. No, a mature plant can fight minor diseases on its own but a seedling cannot. I should have understood this!

The Good

  • Because I know my mistake and I think that I am good at learning, so I am sure that this same mistake will never be repeated again and from now on, I will always take full care of pesticides etc. in my plants from the beginning.
    Well, recently, before sowing the seeds of pumpkin and bottle gourd, I had learned important things about them so that if the plants face any kind of problem later, I can take proper care of them. So repeating mistakes is worse than making a mistake, so it is good to learn the lesson and then move forward.

Today, after waiting for another month, one of those little plants is ready to bear fruit.

This is the first blooming flower of the chilli plant.

And, not just one but many more flowers are ready to bloom on it, which will then hopefully turn into fruits ready for harvesting in the next 1 to 2 weeks.

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on financial markets, nature, gardening, travel, and food.
If you like any of these topics then you can also follow me. I deeply appreciate your comments and votes.

Here are all my green blogs

#10 | Growing Bottle Gourd From Seeds!

#9 | New Life of Old Curry Leaves!

#8 | Growing Pumpkin from Seeds

#7 | Carrort Harvesting Fest.

#6 | A Beautiful Flower from a Family of Prestigious Medicinal Trees.

#5 | Growing Indian Red Chilli from Seeds

#4 | Harvesting Radishes from Pots

#3 | Growing Carrot From Seeds

#2 | Growing Radish From Seeds

#1 | Growing dessert rose from seeds

Have you ever grown a plant from its seed?


  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Boarder Image by Freepik
  3. Image collage and thumbnail created by using Canva
  4. All gifs are created by @irisworld
  5. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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