My Home TG #10 | Growing Bottle Gourd From Seeds

Namaste to all #hive gardeners and #nature lovers.šŸ™

Today, once again I am here in front of you all with another story from my Home Terrace Garden.
Some time ago I shared with you the story of growing pumpkin from seeds. The day I sowed the pumpkin seeds using a paper towel method, I also placed the Bottle Gourd seeds in the same container to grow.

I explained in detail about the paper towel method in that blog itself, so without discussing that method again, let me directly take you on the journey of these seeds.

I wrapped 2 pumpkin seeds and 2 bottle gourd seeds in a piece of paper, sprinkled some water on them, sealed them in a plastic container, kept them in a slightly shady place near the window and left them for a few days. Then after about 5 days, when I opened the container, I saw both the seeds sprouted.

I obviously was happy with their germination and one reason for my happiness was that I had grown these seeds for the first time using the paper towel method. But this was just the beginning, the time to plant them in the soil was still far away.
Then slowly their roots started growing longer.

Then after about 12 days of keeping the seeds in the container, the day finally came when I decided to sow them in the soil. If you want to know how I decided that now is the right time to sow them in the soil, then let me tell you that I consider it right to sow the seeds in the soil within a few days of the appearance of cotyledons (seed leaves) from the seeds. Why? Because I believe that the life of a seed begins from there. Planting a seed in the soil before it has cotyledons is somewhat like giving birth to a premature baby. The fatal difficulties that a child faces in this case are similar to those that a seed faces if it is sown in the soil before the cotyledons have formed. The process of sowing seeds directly in the soil is different. Either you sow the seed in the soil from the very first day so that the soil becomes its home from the moment life begins in it. Otherwise, change its home only when it grows a little!

So I very carefully took out both the seeds from that plastic container and placed them in the soil in a previously prepared big pot at a distance of about 4 inches and at a depth of about 2 inches.

Then after covering these seeds with soil, I sprinkled water on them thoroughly and kept the pot in the open sky but at a place where there is no direct sunlight.

Just 2 days later a plant peeked out of the soil.

Then after 2 more days, another plant followed its friend and took its first step out of the soil.

And then in the next few days both these plants started growing by spreading their cotyledons like wings. :)

And these are today's pictures of these two. About 25 days ago they were just seeds and today look, at their personality development, haha!

Hopefully, after about 1 more month, many flowers and fruits will appear on them, so don't go anywhere, I will come again with my experiences, lessons and stories of these and many other plants like these for you all. šŸ¤—

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading it. Generally, I keep writing blogs on financial markets, nature, gardening, food and travel.
If you like any of these topics then you can also follow me. I deeply appreciate your comments and votes. šŸ™

Here are all my green blogs

#9 | New Life of Old Curry Leaves!

#8 | Growing Pumpkin from Seeds

#7 | Carrort Harvesting Fest.

#6 | A Beautiful Flower from a Family of Prestigious Medicinal Trees.

#5 | Growing Indian Red Chilli from Seeds

#4 | Harvesting Radishes from Pots

#3 | Growing Carrot From Seeds

#2 | Growing Radish From Seeds

#1 | Growing dessert rose from seeds

Have you ever grown a plant from its seed?


  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Boarder Image by Freepik
  3. Thumbnail created by using Canva
  4. All gifs are created by @irisworld
  5. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

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That's all for today.
Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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