Mid October annual garden update

Pepper season is upon us, and we are getting many kinds. Jalapenos, Serrano, Mini Bell, Cayenne and Trinidad Scorpion. During early spring they did not do much, but now they are really taking off and filling the plants full of fruits. The amount of peppers we getting are now starting to out number the tomato harvest. Which has been the dominant fruit of this year.

The trinidad scorpion peppers can be seen above, fully ripe. I cut them off and careful not to touch them. The amount of capsaicin inside is weapons grade and I really do not want any of the oils in my eyes or somewhere else scratching my ass or something.. lol

The broccoli has crowned, but seems every bug in town went after them as soon as they did.

Suprised they did anything at all, we planted them in the spring and just like the peppers not much has happened until now.

The tomatoes seem to be slowing down, wrapping up for the year. We got so many so its okay.

The lettuce plants dropped their seeds, and now are trying to come back... lol Well the beds need lots of soil, so I am afraid these will be buried. But maybe next season we will get dropped seeds that can stay.

They even dropped outside the beds, trying to grow in the hard clay soil.

We will harvest the last few tomatoes, but seems the plants are dropping production around this time. With temperatures dropping into the 30s they will not last much longer.

Wood loving mushrooms have been popping up in the boxes.

Not sure what kind it is, but its quite large.

Taking a closer look at the trinidad scorpion peppers the redness tells us they are ripe. Also tells insects and animals danger... lol I like danger.

Such ugly little peppers, but with over a million heat units they are no joke.

I cut them off carefully, putting the bucket under the plant and cutting them right into the bucket.

The cayenne peppers are getting really big. They look so cool all long and curly.

So big for such a small plant.

One of the trinidad scorpion plants lives with the horse gram vine.. It is not as happy..lol

Speaking of the vine, it is producing beans now!

Thousands of pods forming, soon I will collect them and boil them.

The serrano peppers are doing well, getting quite plump.

Luckily with peppers we can pick them at any time. Even when they are green they are still good to eat. But I like the spice so I will wait.

This winter I hope to fill up more of these beds, the low ones should be perfect for my upcoming crop. Check out my newest snap for a preview on my garlic.

My first perennial plant is coming up, the ginger I planted early this spring is doing well.

Going to give them a few years to grow, and then I can start harvesting ginger roots for cooking.

Just like the broclli, the brussel sprouts are getting their ass kicked. Harlequin bugs seem to be doing the damage, this is a new pest to me. Tried using my soap on them but did not seem to affect them. Will need to find another solution for next year.

Sucks I was hoping for these to grow up big.

The amount of settling that has occurred in some of the boxes need to be addressed. I will add more dirt soon.

Seems like this year we corrected our mistakes from last year. Now they have much better soil and seems be paying off. Along with using shade cloth earlier this year, all of it is helping. And next year I hope we do even better.

Even if bugs got some the plants, we will try again next year with new methods to keep them bay.

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