May Garden Journal with some natural medicine

Stonebreaker (ଭୂଇଁ ଅଅଁଳା) has some amazing health benefits.



It's long time I wrote a garden journal and the reason for that is that there has been nothing much to write because my garden is literally dead. At one point of time I thought, its over. But then for some reason ( may be a destiny) , they do not want to leave me. The Malabar Spinach plants came by themselves and grew so lovely that I could not resist not taking care of them. If you look at that plant, will you not feel the same ?




And if you read my posts them I am sure, you would have seen my exclusive posts on Malabar Spinach - Malabar Spinach Fry is something that anyone would love and the health benefits are just like add-ons augmenting the taste. Just needed those big leaves that would make the process easy and fast.



And the curry leaves plant just gets better and this new small one (on the top photo) has come out.


We have cut the branches three times and they grow up again nicely. Look at that plant - a branch that is coming from the downside - never saw like this.



Malabar spinach Mixed Vegetable Curry is favorite of entire family - yes kids now love it as well. And some all season marigold plants did hang around - so I took them and planted in few pots. This is how it is now - I have moved the small curry leave plant to a pot to gift to her mother so that she can use few every day.



And here comes the surprise gift from nature - Phyllanthus urinaria or commonly called stonebreaker - it's known as ଭୂଇଁ ଅଅଁଳା in my native language which means its a version that grows on ground but similar to Phyllanthus emblica - kind of younger brother of gooseberry. Gifted by nature in an empty container - as soon as I saw them I called my friend and asked him to join a video call and help me recognize and make sure this is the plant because there is one other similar plant.


He told me to look at the back side of it's branches and see it has got fruits like gooseberry. You barely can see their sizes so clearly, but these are some best shots from several macro photos that made the cut. This is how you recognize the plant - something very important if you are dealing with them (or in general dealing with plants).


Many a times I heard about the health benefits of this plant but had got opportunity to test only once - the extracts was brought for someone else and by the time it reached the patient moved to hospital. So I consummated it and I was amazed with the results - the hungriness it brought was out of control. This is a one stop solution for many diseases - it can fix stones, liver or digestion issues, clean all toxic effects, ulcer, cancer, migraine, wounds, skin, etc, etc. This is very much native to India and South America, so probably people in America would also know how to use this. But interestingly very few people know about the usage of this even though its abundantly available.


They grow in massive amount in some places and my friend had a lot of them. The video call reminded him and he asked me to come over and collect them. Look at that bunch - enough for a week. Took a little while to clean them and make it ready.


The leaves are super soft - so much so that even water does not hold on them.


After cleaning, just grind them and keep in fridge. Then every day consume the extract on empty stomach ( morning is best) by chewing them and enjoying the taste. You can also take it as juice but then you will loose part of it. For next one hour don't eat anything. The taste will be bitter when you chew but after 10-15 minutes, you will feel the sweetness - just like Gooseberry.


Now I have plans to grow them because this can fix many issues and if the experiments goes well then I would distribute the knowledge to people by circulating them. My next subject is my Mother - she is facing an issue since long time which many doctors have not been able to cure - both English and Ayurveda.


And here comes some amazing photos from our society using the Camera - this new jack fruit tree has some eye catching collection. When I was taking the photo someone asked for it and I got one for her from my native - we have a lot of them at my native.



Some more photos from the surrounds - I need to use the camera often to make sure it does work.




Compare them with one from mobile.


And before I wind up, I must tell you that, I brought some seeds from Kashmir as well to experiment. If it goes well, you will see some posts on them. And did you forget what this season is ? Mangoes - they are everywhere. More to come on that...

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