December Hive Garden Journal - Inspired to build again

At one point I thought this is over


I am a little late to post an update on the Garden, and I must tell you that I am overwhelmed with the result that came out of all the hard work. Compare this with my last post and I am sure, you will also feel the joy. Applying organic fertilizers and those sea secrets have kept these alive for longer duration, even though the climate is not that cool as expected in winter.








Here is the view from a little distance, now this place is a selfie hub.




And now look at this small stretch where I planted the small trees that was grown out of stems.



The people in our society was super charged to see the results, look at those plants in the pots, they were planted much earlier, but my plants are so little but have grown well to show the beauty that nature can offer. The stretch was a bit longer, so I went to the Nursery to bring some saplings and fill that row. You can see those towards the end.



This was the state of my plants then, so I gave them a hug by taking care and feeding some food that they like. Some nice captures from Nursery that tempted me to bring more, but unfortunately our soil was not ready.






Nature offers so beautiful colors to us that, it can never be matched with anything else.





Every year, this patch in our garden is flooded with flowers, but unfortunately this year, their attempt to make this beautiful has gone in vein. The primary reason of that is that the soil quality has deteriorated and it was all because of heavy rain and this not being well prepared. The society wanted me to take charge of this and I have started some work. It takes considerable amount of time, money and effort and they have offered the help of our Gardener to do the hard part, as I cannot do it all alone. We have now added ten blocks of coco-pit and some new organic fertilizers that is prepared from the household wastes ( this is something new I am trying, will post about it separately). It has been ready just today and I am planning to go to the nursery in 1-2 days and then start the project. And I am investing everything without taking any money from them, with a condition that they supervise the area to not allow anyone to take flowers. The beautifulness can only justify all the effort ( financial and physical), so they can enjoy it, take selfies but not touch them.

If you have seen my previous garden posts then at one point I was thinking to give up, when the society asked us to remove everything from roof top. This year, I thought to give it a try before quitting and these results have now supercharged me to start building, may be utilize that entire garden and start growing vegetables even. Unfortunately that part of land may go away as part of an upcoming road, but until then, will try my best to bring the bees.


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