Greenhouse update

Hello everyone.
Quick update on plants in the greenhouse.
This morning we watered plants and I took some photos of the plants,
Tomatoes are getting bigger and more tomato plants started to form a fruit.
Peppers are forming fruit as well. Since we have different types of peppers some of them are still ripening. We already collected some of them and they are very delicious.
Cucumbers are doing very well. Each day there are new ones to be harvested.

Here are some photos and more details about plants.

Lets start with tomatoes.
They grew in length and tomatoes on the right are nearing the top of the greenhouse.

Tomato plants are forming fruits now. Lower and middle level of plants are forming fruits and upper parts of the plant grow and flower at the same time.

There are different types of tomatoes.

Tomato plants continue to flowering.

These are side shots or suckers. They grow between stem of the plant and branches. We remove them when they are small. The plant becomes too big if you leave them to grow. And supposedly tomatoes are smaller if there are too many of side growth (they grow into new stem). It is up to you how you want your tomato plant to be shaped and in which direction you leave it to grow.

Here you can see bigger side shot growing.

All of the tomato plants are strengthened and tied with rope. Blue rope is tied to the upper construction of the greenhouse. It is important to tie tomato plants since they grew big and with fruits the load is to heavy for the plant to carry.

Rope goes around the stem of the plant and as it grows you wrap it around the plant.

On the right and the left side of the greenhouse we have peppers. There are different types of the peppers as you will see in the photos.

Since the peppers are having more fruits we have to tie them with rope as well. It has to be done in upcoming days.

We already harvested some of these peppers. They are delicious.

Time for cucumber update. Cucumbers are on the corners and they are growing very well. This year I think except only one plant of cucumber all other are cucumber that grow in lenght.

Cucumber continue to flower.

It is very important that bees are visiting flowers inside the greenhouse. These days there are more and more bees inside the greenhouse.

To conclude the update lets measure one of the cucumbers.
So this is measurement of , as I saw , the longest cucumber in the greenhouse at the moment. It is around 34 centimeters.
This is measurement of this morning. I will try to measure again in the morning and update the post to see is there big change.

There is always something to do in the greenhouse and for now everything is going good.
I will try to do later updates on the plants in the greenhouse.

Photos by @sammy00.

Here is link to the first post about the greenhouse if you want to check it:
Greenhouse first post

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