Plants in our Greenhouse

Hello everyone.
This is my first post in #HiveGarden community.
I want to show you our greenhouse and show you plants that are currently inside the greenhouse and some photos from previous years.
We have green house for 4 years now. Greenhouse is 50 meters squared.
In our greenhouse we grow tomatoes, peppers and cucumber during summer. During winter time we plant lettuce, spinach, onion and chard.

There are couple of different types of tomatoes in greenhouse. This year there are 4 types of tomatoes. Same goes with peppers. We planted 5 different types of peppers this year.

We were a bit late for this year with planting in our greenhouse. Normally on the end of April we plant our vegetables but this year it was first week of May.
If you plant in the late April you can have tomatoes and peppers in the last week of June - basically this time of year you can have tomato salad from your greenhouse.

Planting pattern is always same. There are tomatoes in the middle. On the edges of greenhouse we have peppers. And on the corners are cucumbers.

You can notice different types of tomatoes. Some of them are taller than others and they have different leaves. There are a lot of flowers on the tomatoes.

Tomatoes are starting to form.

Peppers are on the sides of the greenhouse. They started to form as well.

Different types of peppers.

There is more cucumbers then previous years. Normally there are couple plants (only two last year) but this year we got 11 plants of cucumber.
For last year we had only two - it may sound not enough but interesting thing about cucumbers is that they give so many cucumbers. New ones grow over night.

And there is cucumber story. I took these photos this week. Cucumbers were still small around 5 centimeters. Then after 3 days this cucumber was somewhere around 25 centimeters. Also very delicious.

These cucumbers types grew in length.

Here are some photos from the previous years from our greenhouse.

These cucumber types were different.
This particular one was 1 kilogram.

During winter and spring greenhouse is not empty.
Lettuce, spinach, onion and chard are planted. These photos are taken at 31st December.

Lettuce and onions are planted together.

Greenhouse is very good for the plants but you have to take care of it. One of the most important thing is opening your greenhouse early in the morning and closing at night before it gets cold. Temperature is very important.

I will try to do follow ups and record progress on our greenhouse plants.

Photos by @sammy00.

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