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An Early Start to April's Garden Journal Challenge!

With the Easter holidays coming up and a trip planned away, I need to start the garden journal challenge early for April to get the wrap up done by the 6th! Hopefully you've been following @gardenhive both on Leo Threads and Hive so you catch this alert, or catch the notification via your tag!

Please don't forget to pop your post in Leo Threads if you can with the tag #hivegarden. We'll also be selecting four of the best for voting the best author in Hive Garden for the week as well, with the chance to win some great upvotes via some whales! Cool bananas!

Please let me know if you'd lilke your name removed or added from the list. Apologies for those I've forgotten - admin is not always my strong suit, especially when the garden calls!

@plantstoplanks @sofs-su @nikv @owasco @umirais @buckaroobaby @farm-mom @thebigsweed @polesinns @andrastia @multifacetas @amygoodrich @jenthoughts @fanyokami @isdarmady @anafae @tanjakolader @yolithy24 @andrastia @minismallholding @goldenoakfarm @sanjeevm @nainaztengra @rem-steem @almi @leoplaw @denmarkguy @akiponn @dodovietnam @fermentedphil @galenkp @ifarmgirl
@ciadanmea @kennyroy @simplymike @dodovietnam @babeltrips @trangbaby @kaelci @shanibeer @proto26 @ifarmgirl @artemislives @edprivat @meesterboom @momogrow @antnn @luckylaica @blingit @traisto @fotostef @tydynrain @hindavi @steven-patrick @vibeof100monkeys @samstonehill @anttn @friendlymoose @jacksonizer @ciadanmea @tuocchu @gertu @artywink @dora381 @stortebeker @zakludick @maytom @juwell11 @chuch @maxdevalue @travoved @sunscape @alt3r

A Little Request

Before I remind you about the months challenge, can I ask you a favour? If you can spare a bit of Hive, please delegate to @gardenhive - it's so nice to reward fellow gardeners with upvotes in this community and every little helps.

What to Write About

  • Post about what's happening in your garden this week.
  • Alternatively, anything garden related counts, such as a visit to a friend's garden, garden plans and dreams, failures and successes.


  • Use #gardenjournal as your first tag
  • Reblog this post & invite others if you can
  • Low effort posts will be ignored (though we generally don't have those!)
  • No AI written posts or dual language (check community rules about this). These will be MUTED
  • Don't forget to engage with other gardeners!
  • Drop your post link below so I don't miss it!

Prizes - New Ones This Week!

VEGETABLE GARDEN PRIZE - 5 HIVE, to be distributed amongst the best posts depending on entries. May be more or less depending on the week!

PASSION GARDEN PRIZE - 5 HIVE, to be awarded to the most passionate gardener of the week.

The Philosophical Gardener Prize 2 HIVE - for gardeners who really have a point to make about why we garden, the importance of gardening, or just get philsophical about nature.

GARDEN THREADS PRIZE - 1 HIVE each - may be more than one depending on the quality and amount we get! Write a great #hivegarden #gardenjournal post on Threads to qualify!

Happy Gardening!

Are you on HIVE yet? Earn for writing! Referral link for FREE account here

Join The Hive Garden Community! The HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY supports gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community here!