June Garden Journal Challenge - My Entry

Hello and welcome to another Garden Journal challenge! Now that June is officially here, it's time to share our gardening experience and if you want to join in, please check out the original post for all the rules and details.


Garden overview, June 2nd

Fig tree in front of our house is getting huge and with its big leaves creates nice shade. When I'm outside, I usually hang out in the backyard but this could also be a nice spot to sit down, drink coffee and/or read a book maybe. Couple of days ago we trimmed all of our grape wines, we have some purple and some white grapes that are looking really good so far or at least there's a lot of them growing.

Apples and pears are also doing well so far and there's more of them compared to last year. I hope that we will get to enjoy some fruits from these younger trees.

I am so excited for raspberries, one of my favorite fruits! I'll have to make sure to wake up early for raspberry harvest as last summer I did it in the evening (it's too hot during daytime) and was covered in mosquito bites from head to toe! We usually harvest small batches of raspberries as they get ripe and freeze them for winter. Of course, we eat them fresh while they are in season, everyone in my family loves them! Blackberries are also starting to form, I always find it cool to monitor the growth process of our fruits and veggies.

Chokeberry that we planted this year also seems to be doing well, this is going to be my first time watching this berry grow and I also never tried it so I'm excited to do a little taste test. We also got blueberries but those are so small I think it will take them a couple of years to give us some berries if they end up lasting that long. On the other hand, plums are growing in abundance! When it comes to plums, I only like eating them when they are not fully ripe and soft, I am a little bit picky about them. If there's enough purple plums we will definitely make some plum jam!

Cabbage is making a decent progress and we also have another small area with cabbage which is very popular in Serbia for fresh cabbage salads and also for fermenting. On the right we have peppers that were covered with plastic water gallons - the ones we buy at store and save after drinking the water, we cut them in half and make some holes for air and watering, cover the plants for protection until they grow a little bit and weather is stable to uncover them.

Now that I think about it, we have a lot of areas with tomatoes, lol. Some of them are ahead of other as you can tell by comparing these two photos. We also tied them up just to make sure they don't break as they grow in height, sometimes wind and bad weather can make a lot of damage which is something nobody wants for their garden.

We had a few rainy days which was really good for the garden and soon we will do peas harvests to clean it and put it in the freezer. Me and my mom cleaned up some for today's lunch and it was so good! Since all of the peas won't be ripe at the exact same time, we will probably harvest smaller portions every couple of days until we go through it all. We enjoyed spring onions a lot and now they are slowly overgrowing but we still use them for salads, cooking etc.

Look at those potatoes! They look really good and I cannot wait to get some fresh potatoes for lunch, me and my family are a big potato lovers. We also have some beans which is something that always fails in our garden but my parents just refuse to give it up, haha. Next to it we have more peppers as we were trying to use up every piece of available space to plant as much as we can.

Cucumbers are so uneven in growth and progress this season and I have no idea why. Maybe you can notice some dill in front of the cucumbers, it's something that just grows on its own at random spots in our garden and most of it is in the onion area. We use it sometimes in cooking, not everyone in my family likes it but I really do love the taste and smell of it. Smaller veggies and leafy greens are doing well in their little area - carrots, parsley and chard. Most of the green salad and spinach is eaten as we were making fresh salads every single day.

Look at this zucchini monster! It grows like crazy and there's a lot of yellow flowers so we are expecting a lot of zucchinis this year. I am sure there will be some extra we can share with out neighbors and sometimes I also bring some excess fruits or veggies to my friend in the city when I'm visiting her.

That's all for this garden journal challenge, I hope you enjoyed this garden tour, we have some more fruits and veggies but these are the ones I caught on camera today. Each year I plan to film a little garden tour in video form and share it with you all but for some reason I never do it. I don't want to make any promises but I think I should definitely make a video before this gardening season ends. :) Anyways, thank you for stopping by, I wish you all a lovely day. Happy gardening!


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