Garden Journal Weekly. 3rd November 2021

As much as I've always loved bringing the homesteading and gardening news and highlights, I'm loving just as much sharing this slot with @riverflows. Last week was hectic for me, so it was perfect timing that it was her turn and I got the highlights brought to me instead.

This week I'm excited to see an introduction from a newcomer! @blackstarboho is a homesteader in Canada and is hoping to share her journey, so I hope we can all jump in with a big welcome so that we hear more from her.

I am going to document my journey over the next 2 years to turn my passions into a permanent business and way of life. I am also hoping to be able to afford my own land soon, the housing market has exploded here in Ontario and prices are suddenly waaaaay out of reach. Since I can never mentally go back to living in the city......I'm gonna have to make this work!
I hope to connect with a like minded community here, and am looking forward to learning and sharing all I can.


I’m always impressed with how people without gardens still manage to garden. Usually I'm reading about their plants in pots, or maybe some kitchen counter efforts in composting, but today I came across @bartolomee's account of full scale worm farming indoors to create compost for plants in pots. For someone who tried worm farming and lost them all to our summer heat, I'm doubly impressed!

For some, autumn is rapidly heading into winter with cold and frosts knocking down the last few plants. It was almost sad to see how @amberyooper's marigolds have lost much of their bright, cheerful colouring and there are just some carrots left for harvesting now.

Someone else who shared about coming to the end of their harvest was @thebigsweed. Yet as this season's harvest comes to an end, preparations are already underway for spring and the start of the next season.

Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, @buckaroobaby has had some rainfall on her desert farm and the sudden growth spurts had her pondering one when something should be clarified as a weed or a wildflower. There were lots of surprises in store when they got stuck into tidying up that extra growth, too.


There is so much going on this week, perhaps because @riverflows has the Garden Journal Challenge running. Either way, I want to shout out a couple more posts worth visiting:
@daotam shares how her family garden and nature brings her comfort and happiness and @isdarmady shares some hydroponics experience.

All mentioned authors will receive a small beneficiary from this post...except for River, because she earns more than me anyway...😜



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