Garden Journal November 2023 - Slow and Steady but Getting There

Greetings from North west, South Africa!

This will be my second year of actively gardening, so far, it seems like everything is growing slowly, almost lazily, if I were to compare it to the previous year.
It is a strange thing, a garden. Things are always dying, coming back to life or randomly appearing out of nowhere. I find it truly fascinating, but let me not ramble on about all that too much. Here is a look at how things are progressing this month:

The Calla Lily has done a pretty decent amount of growing, looking much better and healthier than it did the previous month.

...While the lavender seems to have slowed down quite a bit, I suspect the big one needs some trimming and a bunch of nutrients. I might do a post on how to make those at home soon, if I can find the time and resources.

The Taro/ Elephant's Ear has shown significant improvement and growth and will soon need repotting, I'm very grateful that it managed to pull through after the hail damage and leaf rot that we had to deal with a few weeks ago.

Another thing I leant about gardening this month, is that strawberry plants produce runners, and when it happens, it happens fast! Looks like another trip to the nursery is in order, as I am once again out of free plant containers and potting soil.

The vegetable garden, is also coming along nicely, just a bit slower than I would have liked, but that ight just be my own lack of patience at play again. It just needs a decent session of weeding, now that it has finally stopped raining.

I am quite happy with the basil, which is starting to finally look like it wants to survive. Had some doubts about it for a while.

The carrots are also coming along nicely, I am hoping to use them to make some carrot cake once they are ready.

I suspect either insects attacking the lettuce and spinach, or possibly the cat, once again sitting on my plants when I'm not looking. Good thing he's cute, the bugger.

Both the chili and green pepper plants are also finally starting to take off and grow a little bit better.

The String-of-Pearls is also slowly but surely recovering after almost succumbing to the heat wave that hit a few weeks ago. It is one of my favourite plants in the garden, so I am quite happy that it might be okay.

The Mc Kana Giants have finally sprouted! So very excited to have them become part of the garden later this year.

This will be my next garden DIY project! I plan on covering up the baby bath with little stones using tiling adhesive and grout left over from when we did bathroom renovations. As I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, it should be a very interesting and fun project.

I am also hoping to do something about this space by my front door, once I figure out how to get my fattest cat to stop sitting on top of everything and anything I plants there...

Well, that's it for this month! Till next time!

Credit : All photos are my own taken using Samsung A33 mobile phone
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