Seeds and Weeds - March 14, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Sun up crop March 2024.jpg

The spring equinox is on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 11:06 PM this year, just 5 days away. I look forward to seeing the sun shine through my house for a couple days, twice a year. It was nearly centered on the mountain due east on Thursday morning.

Sun through house crop March 2024.jpg

Before we put the addition on, the sun could shine right into the office. There’s a wall there now. Eventually it will shift north and shine down the hall.

2nd Seed starting - set up crop March 2024.jpg

I got my post up, got the kitchen cleaned up, chores done and started setting up for the 2nd seed starting. It was only 8 trays. My general helper was coming for 8AM.

This is what I started:

Celery 30
Kale 33
Leeks 14
Walla onions 75
Stevia 3
Echinacea purpurea 18
Yellow Dotted Mint 3
Columbine 6

Total: 182

2nd seed starting - dining room crop March 2024.jpg

The dining room window is half full now.

2nd seed starting - porch crop March 2024.jpg

And the north porch window is ⅔ full.

Redwing at feeders2 crop March 2024.jpg

It was pretty hard getting a photo through the dining room window, but when I saw my first redwing blackbird on the feeders, I went for it. They aren’t great photos though.

Redwing at feeders1 crop March 2024.jpg

New Herb - Rows 6 .7 finished crop March 2024.jpg

When we finished the seed starting and cleaned up the mess, we headed out into the New Herb garden to see how far we could get. We had 1¼ hours left to work and we finished right on time.

We had half of each garden bordering the walkway to do, plus the walkway itself. And we finished!

New Herb - weeding finished crop March 2024.jpg

Now everything green in the garden belongs there.

New Herb - rabbit poop crop March 2024.jpg

I’d sure like to know how these critters are getting in. I used rabbit proof fencing.

I rested for 3 hours after she left and then went out to tackle tall stuff in the South Herb, West Herb, and West gardens.

South Herb - before crop March 2024.jpg

This garden was only partially weeded once last year. I was just going to cut the tall stuff, not clean out the lower levels.

South Herb - before2 crop March 2024.jpg

The only tall stuff left was sage, 2 flowering almonds, and the southernwood.

South Herb - after crop March 2024.jpg

West Herb - after crop March 2024.jpg

In this West Herb garden, no tall stuff was left. The far end is the West garden and I did that too. That finished me off.

Lee weedwacking wildflowers crop March 2024.jpg

I’d been after my son for a month now to get the wildflower area knocked down with the weedwacker. The weedwacker needed work first. He finally got it running properly and got out there late Thursday afternoon, before the rain came.

Wildflowers cleaned up crop March 2024.jpg

He cuts it as low as he can and chops up what he can. This leaves the seeds and puts down a light mulch layer. I’m curious to see what comes up this year.

I had some old phacelia seed that my general helper spread out there that morning. It would be nice if that came up.

I wandered around the yard in the afternoon but that will be another post. On Friday I have exercise class and I should work on my plant notes or do bills/budget. But if I’m as tired as I’ve been earlier this week, I expect all I will do is nap.

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