Nightfall Wrap Up & A Short Hiatus


It's seasonal snooze time! It's usually so busy at this time of year that Hive activity drops off, and I definitely need a break as well. Don't worry, if you want to write, you still can - don't forget to use the #creativegarden tag and write to the LONG list of prompts below. You might have missed some this year! We will still upvote and reblog your #creativegarden content. Have a lovely end of year and new year, rest well, and we'll see you in the new year.

How beautiful this week's entries were. It struck me how our garden posts are always about the day time, but our gardens too are alive at night with creatures, smells and sounds.

@sofs-su brought the heady scents of her garden to life with a beautiful written piece that brought alive the scents in her garden:

I watched transfixed as golden rays of the sun transformed my garden into pure gold. The yellow frangipani on the tree nearby looked like it was sculpted out of gold, only it fresh lemony fragrance gave it away.

@umirais's piece was philosophical, suggesting that nightfall brings balance and calm to our lives.

In the middle of the vast grassland, the green grass looks like a dark shadow, nightfall is filled with sparkling stars, making the quiet and silent grassland become an interesting mirage, occasionally the sound of crickets can be heard breaking through. silence of nightfall. That's how life is, there will be a change from a green and fertile earth to a dark and barren earth, because our earth is rotating, it is impossible for us to be above or below all the time, if we are at the top, don't be arrogant and if we are at the bottom don't be be discouraged, so that we can still balance our soul and mind.

@hadrianwild writes of the scent of banana flowers, of bats, and how it is people we fear more at night than animals.

.... the bats that sweep through our garden ten minutes after sunset. Those are on the hunt for insects and travel onwards to silently swerve their way across the many fields. I love that pulse of bats, but especially love knowing about it. The nectar-drinking bats come a little later, although, they might be sharing their day-caves, three kilometres away. They all elude me in the same teasing way that tweaks inquisitiveness and reminds me of my ignorance.

With only three entries this week, it's 1 Hive for each and 75 percent of the post rewards to @hadrianwild.

Let's Move On To This Week's Creative Challenge...

We are taking a break this week, but if you want to write, we'll still give you a full upvote and reblog you. You can write on any of the topics we've used this year so far - here they are:

  • Like a lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.
  • Plastic Fantastic
  • Order and chaos
  • What is that smell?
  • A scientist and a poet meet in a garden
  • The Garden's Song: If your garden had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?
  • Toolbox
  • The Language of Flowers
  • A conversation with an insect
    . Nightfall
  • Garden of Imprints: How have the people in your life left their mark on your garden?

The trick is to write CREATIVELY and BE creative. For example:

  • Showcase a creative response to a problem in your garden
  • Write a story of any genre that features a garden somewhere in the story
  • Write a creative non fiction post about a garden memory
  • Draw, paint, sculpt, write a poem
  • Write a comedy script
  • Write from the perspective of an animal or a tool in your garden!


  • Posts should contain only ONE image. This is a writing challenge not a photo challenge
  • No more than 800 words
  • Publish in the community
  • Use #creativegarden as your first tag
  • Refer back to this challenge at the END of your post
  • Reblog this if you can
  • Comment on other people's posts in the Hive Garden community.
  • Check the COUNTDOWN timer on - no late entries

This is a great opportunity for those in the northern hemisphere who might be shutting down their gardens for winter, and still want to write on #gardening topics.

Don't forget to follow the community rules - and most of all, have fun! We'll return in the new year with some more prompts. If you have any you'd like to contribute, drop them below and we'll add them to the list!

@plantstoplanks @jude9 @sofs-su @nikv @owasco @umirais @buckaroobaby @farm-mom @thebigsweed @polesinns @andrastia @multifacetas @amygoodrich @jenthoughts @fanyokami @isdarmady @anafae @tanjakolader @yolithy24 @andrastia @minismallholding @goldenoakfarm @sanjeevm @nainaztengra @rem-steem @almi @leoplaw @denmarkguy @akiponn @dodovietnam @fermentedphil @galenkp @ifarmgirl @tomidiwirja @tengolengo
@ciadanmea @kennyroy @simplymike @dodovietnam @babeltrips @trangbaby @kaelci @shanibeer @proto26 @ifarmgirl @artemislives @edprivat @meesterboom @momogrow @antnn @luckylaica @blingit @traisto @fotostef @tydynrain @hindavi @steven-patrick @vibeof100monkeys @samstonehill @anttn @friendlymoose @jacksonizer @ciadanmea @tuocchu @gertu @artywink @dora381 @stortebeker @zakludick @maytom @juwell11 @chuch @maxdevalue @travoved @sunscape @alt3r @ninahaskin, @housecatharsia @promisedland @chidiadi65 @bigorna1 @actioncats @lifewithchel @aichel @hadrianwild

The HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY supports gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden or botanical related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community here!

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