Why I want a Moringa tree in my garden

Image on Pexels by Hamed Elhaei

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I like the idea of food forests. Getting more out of the same piece of land is a very intriguing idea; more so in a small garden.

That is one of the reasons I am trying to get some Moringa trees going. You can plant it closer together than fruit trees and it grows over 30 feet high. At the same time you can trim this tree down regularly to keep it short.

Moringa oleifera is a sun loving plant that needs more than 250 mm of rain per year. While it does not like cold or frost, it tolerates dry conditions so it can grow in a wide range of climates.

The main reason is that it is food. I am not as much interested in the health benefits. That you can use the leaves as a salad or a vegetable is the thing that interest me most.

I want to get the most out of my small garden.

In two weeks we should be seeing the first seedlings pushing through their heads. In 12 weeks I could be trying out the first recipes.

That, I think is the best part of having a garden. You can enjoy what you grow.

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