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Anyone else in the world battling with seed germination? Or is it just us? I love sprouts and microgreens because it is almost unfloppable for that initial burst of life and growth. I did say almost. We enjoy our microgreens and sprouts year round and on a daily basis. Microgreens thrive despite bizarre weather and without the challenge of weeding and mulching. Now, with all the international talk of food shortage and inflation I wonder how many people have a solution for toilet paper? It is a no brainer for me.

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With the incredible rate of production of toilet rolls I have been diligently saving them up as any self respecting off-grid homesteader would! Then my ingenious husband suggested we plant them! It isn't as back breaking as shovelling dirt into raised beds or hauling out boulders. Although carefully composting each of those gazillion toilet rolls is painfully time consuming! I am trusting that the work will pay off. Hopefully soon I will report a 100% success rate and a bumper crop of produce!

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While I tend to my trays of toilet rolls indoors BuckarooFarmer and eldest BuckarooBaby work in the winter sun on their respective tractors, hauling rocks. Here in the Karoo rocks multiply at an alarming rate and have a germination rate par excellance! Keeping gardens and fields cleared is an ongoing job. If Karoo rocks were gold we would leave Midas a pauper!

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But back to the tend the toilet rolls. With winter fast approaching the planting season is on us. We have a slight lull, according to the moon cycle, in the physical planting of seed in dirt. But this week's job will be choosing what gets planted inside each toilet roll. Oh? You thought I was growing toilet paper? No. No! we have numerous toilet paper alternatives that do not require compost! I'm preparing my trays of toilet rolls to incubate the teeny veggie and herb seeds that I'll soon plant and germinate. Before the frost has hit we need our healthy seedlings ready to establish in all the vegetable gardens. The hope for those toilet rolls is to protect the vulnerable seedlings.

Happy germinating fellow Gardeners!

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