Harvesting Mustard Green Flowers

It feels so good to be able to grow in your own garden a type of vegetable that is hard to find in the market.


Have you ever seen Mustard Green Flowers? Or, mustard green plants? Mustard Green Flowers are one of my favorite ingredients for side dishes that are usually mixed with tofu or tempeh.

Mustard Green Flowers are quite hard to find in the market because not many farmers cultivate Mustard Green Flowers. Instead, farmers only plant mustard green plants without flowers.

Actually, the flowering phase of mustard green plants will appear when the mustard green plants become old, and we do not harvest their main shoots. Of course, it takes a long time, about two months, and we can no longer eat their leaves because mustard green leaves that are harvested too late will become bitter.

Then, what about the Mustard Green Flowers that I planted? Actually, I planted a different type of mustard green plants. This is a mustard green plant that is specifically harvested for its flowers. So, I don't need to wait up to two months by planting this type.

With the type of mustard green plants that are specifically for flowering, they can be harvested in just one month. At first, I was not so confident and I thought I would fail to plant them. Because, this is my first time planting this type of vegetable.

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At first, it was only this small. Mustard green seeds were transplanted when they were 2 weeks old.

dua minggu setelah pindah tanam.png
Then, two weeks after transplanting, mustard green plants can be pruned and fertilized. I use manure for this plant.


I was not so confident because their leaves looked small. Then, I was surprised by their development, because when they were almost a month old, they only grew bigger before finally flowering.

Even though I planted them organically, it turned out that the stems of each mustard green plant were very large! They also have many branches to produce many flowers. So, I can harvest them repeatedly. Until the time I posted about Mustard Green Flowers, I had harvested them twice.


I harvested them at 35 days old. In addition to their flowers, of course, I also harvested their young leaves. I will also cook the leaves.

Wow, so beautiful! The flowers of the mustard green plants that I finally managed to plant and harvest! Of course, in another blog, I will share a recipe about these beautiful Mustard Green Flowers. Stay tuned!



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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