Preparing for Microgreen Workshop / マイクログリーンワークショップの準備中


Last year, I applied to a state environmental idea contest with my idea of promoting microgreens focusing on education to grow them locally. I was thrilled when my idea was selected, and I received prize money to bring the project to life. Now I’m preparing to hold the first workshop this weekend at the market where I usually have my stand.

Items for workshop in box

Growing samples

Microgreens are great for salads and sandwiches during the spring and summer, but I thought this time of year would be especially nice to have a quick growing little green at home, especially after the gardening season has ended. Plus, I’d love to introduce how microgreens can add nutrition and color to warm meals like soups. That’s why I decided to hold the workshop during the colder months.

As for the workshop itself, I’ll be introducing the benefits of growing microgreens to visitors, offering them sample of different varieties. They can then take home seeds and a growing box to start their own at-home. Since I’m using the prize money from the contest, participation will be free of charge. I’m also planning to provide stickers for the kids to decorate their growing boxes, as well as pens for drawing. I might even leave out some Hive Blog and Bitcoin stickers for fun 😁

Through this workshop, I hope to inspire more people to grow microgreens and sprouts at home in an environmentally friendly way. I’ll write more about how it goes on Hive Blog after the event 😊

(By the way, @calendulacraft is one of my favorite writers on Hive Blog, and she also posts about microgreens. Her posts are not only fun to read but also full of things to learn. If you’re interested in modern witch life, I highly recommend checking out her blog!)

🌱 🌱 🌱






ワークショップの内容はというと、マイクログリーンやスプラウトに関心を持ってくれたお客さんにマイクログリーン栽培のメリットを紹介して、サンプリングしてもらい、気に入ったものを自宅で育てられるように種と栽培ボックスをお土産に持って帰ってもらうというものです。コンテストの賞金を使うので参加は無料。子供たちも楽しめるように栽培ボックスに貼れるシールや、絵を描けるペンも用意する予定です。Hive Blog や Bitcoin のステッカーも置いておこうかな??😁

ワークショップを通じて、環境負荷少なく自宅でマイクログリーンやスプラウトを栽培する人が増えるといいな 😊 初回の様子はまた開催後に Hive Blog に書きます。

@calendulacraftさんは私が大好きなHive Blogの書き手の一人で、マイクログリーンに関する投稿もされています。彼女の投稿からは読んでいて楽しく、学ぶことがたくさんあり、特に現代の魔女ライフに興味のある方は彼女のブログをチェック!)

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