Basil Pesto - Easy Garden to Table for Everyone

Last week, I was busy tidying up the spring and summer plants on the micro balcony. One of the plants I had to pull up was basil, which can't handle the cold. I gratefully used the last leaves to make a batch of pesto. The bright green color looked so beautiful, and it made me feel happy, reminding me of what a lovely summer we had this year on the balcony.

I had quite a lot of basil this year. The reason? Besides the seedlings I grew from seeds, my daughter kept a basil pot on her study desk, and whenever her indoor basil looked weak, I planted them outside. You might wonder, basil on a study desk? Yes, she loves snacking on the leaves! It all started when we visited my partner’s workplace, and she tried some basil leaves from a pot there.

The day she discovered the joy of basil

A basil pot on her desk

When it comes to harvesting the rest of the spring and summer plants, only a few strawberries remain. I’m thinking of buying some yogurt and making a cute topping with them 🍓

Even though it’s a small amount, it’s wonderful to grow something on the balcony that we can actually eat. Next year, I’ll try even harder to make more of my own garden-to-table meals 😊

🪴 🍴 🪴


今年はバジルがたくさんあって、その理由はというと、種から育てた苗に加えて、子供が自分の勉強机にバジルの鉢を置いていて、室内で元気のなくなったものをどんどん植えていっていたからです。子供の机にバジル!?と思うかもしれません。葉をむしゃむしゃ食べているんですよね … 相方の職場に遊びに行った時に置いてあったバジルの鉢から葉をむしって食べてハマったようです😅




少量でもバルコニーで食べられる植物を育てられるっていいですね。来年はよりGarden to Tableできるようにがんばりたいです。

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