ᴇɴɢ/ᴇsᴘ 20 ɢᴏᴅs ᴀɴᴅ 1 sɪɴɢʟᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ 🛡️🗡️ ᴘᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛ ʙᴜɪʟᴅ



La perdida del bandido y todos mis soldados me han dejado pensando en el desastre que se acerca, estoy casi seguro de qué más orcos vendrán y no será en cantidades minoristas como la vez pasada, por suerte el bandido me salvó pero y al ¿pueblo? Nadie salvó al pueblo y a todos esos soldados que derramaron su sangre allá abajo.


Un sepulcro digno es lo mínimo que podía hacer por el. De igual manera el tiempo corre y tenía que prepararme para la noche, sería una noche especial, hoy me visitaria el mago 🧙🏻‍♂️



El mago cara de nalga “así le he puesto” jajajaj en fin…. Cara de nalga llegó por la noche como de costumbre a darme información de calidad, el estaba muy entusiasmado porqué había llegado la lluvia de cristales, así que predijo donde caería uno, por supuesto yo lo acompañaría 🤴🏻.


Jamás había sido tan sencillo encontrar una gema como ahora, el maná de ese cristal era lo que buscaba al final el mago cara de nalga, pero ya decía yo que todo era muy fácil…



Un Dios místico apareció frente a mí y no me dí cuenta “así era de sorprendente” parece que el cristal que teníamos planeado tomar ya tenía un dueño, la verdad no quería morir en ese lugar y menos en manos de un ser como el, quién sabe lo que podria hacerme 😨 quizá me volaría en mi pedazos con un energia mística… El dios nos perdonó a cambio de llevarle el cristal a una montaña.



No podia ir solo con el mago, éramos insuficientes para llevar el cristal, a pesar de que el mago es un mago no podía teletransportar objetos, un mago inservible sin duda. Decidí entre la multitud a quién llevarme y que mejor que el calvo y un guardia, me hubiese gustado llevarme a mí amada esposa pero no quería que corriera riesgos.


Luchar contra el dios los 4 es imposible, de igual forma es un Dios, podría eliminarnos a todos con los ojos cerrados 💀 igualmente solo era entregarle el cristal y salir de ahí.


Por si no era poco el Dios estaba con su mascota, no importa el ya me perdonó la vida antes, sólo debía de llevarle el cristal.


Y eso hice, resulta que los Dioses si son benevolentes, me dijo que venían muchas cosas malas de aquí en adelante, también cosas buenas. Es un dios sabio, al contarme cómo funciona el mundo quedé impactado. Este mundo está constituido por unos 20 dioses aproximadamente “el es uno de ellos” y no todos son buenos,está a favor de lo bueno en el mundo pero hay dioses que no.


Tantas cosas que procesar, 20 dioses, tanto caos, Yo pensé que al venir a esta isla todo sería más natural y abría menos peligro que en mi antiguo reino. Bueno por algo soy el rey 👑 afrontaré a todos esos dioses de alguna manera y así levantar un imperio 👺

ᴇsᴛᴀ ᴇs ᴜɴᴀ ʜɪsᴛᴏʀɪᴀ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴅᴀ ʏ ᴅɪʀɪᴊɪᴅᴀ ᴘᴏʀ ᴍɪ ´・ᴗ・`



The loss of the bandit and all my soldiers has left me thinking about the approaching disaster, I am almost sure that more orcs will come and it will not be in retail quantities like last time, luckily the bandit saved me but what about the town? Nobody saved the town and all those soldiers who shed their blood down there.


A decent grave is the least I could do for him. In the same way, time is running out and I had to prepare for the night, it would be a special night, today the magician visits me 🧙🏻‍♂️



The butt-faced magician “that's how I called him” hahahaha anyway…. Buttock Face came at night as usual to give me quality information, he was very excited because the rain of glass had arrived, so he predicted where one would fall, of course I would accompany him 🤴🏻.


It had never been so easy to find a gem as now, the mana from that crystal was what the butt-faced wizard was looking for in the end, but I already said that everything was very easy...



A mystical God appeared in front of me and I didn't realize "that's how surprising it was" it seems that the crystal we had planned to take already had an owner, the truth is I didn't want to die in that place and even less in the hands of a being like him, who He knows what he could do to me 😨 maybe he would blow me to pieces with a mystical energy... The god forgave us in exchange for taking the crystal to a mountain.



I couldn't go alone with the magician, we were insufficient to carry the crystal, even though the magician is a magician, he couldn't teleport objects, a useless magician without a doubt. I decided among the crowd who to take and that better than the bald man and a guard, I would have liked to take my beloved wife but I didn't want her to take risks.


Fighting against the god the 4 of us is impossible, in the same way he is a God, he could eliminate us all with his eyes closed 💀 all you had to do was hand him the crystal and get out of there.


As if that wasn't enough, God was with his pet, it doesn't matter that he already spared my life before, I just had to bring him the crystal.


And that's what I did, it turns out that the Gods are benevolent, they told me that many bad things were coming from here on out, as well as good things. He is a wise god, when he told me how the world works I was shocked. This world is made up of approximately 20 gods “he is one of them” and not all of them are good, he is in favor of what is good in the world but there are gods who are not.


So many things to process, 20 gods, so much chaos, I thought that coming to this island everything would be more natural and open less danger than in my old kingdom. Well, there's a reason I'm the king 👑 I will confront all those gods in some way and thus build an empire 👺

This is a story created and directed by me´・ᴗ・`

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