Saving Stalwart and clearing Russetwood

Ogres everywhere and many tough fights

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Back in Stalwart as the group arrives and heads to the west side of the town, they come across the menace behind this massive ogre attack... Warleader Darzir and the one needing to be stopped!

"Look at these puny people that deserve to be slain, attack them my friends!" shouted Darzir as combat started.

It started off with the Grieving Mother taking the most damage due to how strong this group of ogres are but the fireballs knockdown getting one, while the ranged ogre is controlled for a short time helped to give focus on Darzir. Of course it still went a little badly for the party as the Grieving Mother was knocked unconscious and out for the rest of the fight, others took more damage but ultimately they were able to work down the enemies and successfully repel the attack from Stalwart.

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After meeting the local innkeeper who had mentioned an Orlan had overstayed his welcome, TheGoliath had a chat to Ailef before they all searched for Russetwood in the West to find the slaver after him.

Upon reaching it, a tough fight quickly took place with a group of ice beetles, ones that were very tough for beetles.

"We got this but be careful as there are many of them" said the Grieving Mother before TheGoliath launched a fireball to interrupt two of them.

The bulk of the damage was on the Grieving Mother which made her rethink going in as a melee attacker and eventually change to a ranged weapon but they all survived and after piercing through the armour of the beetles and killing them one by one, it was over and they could continue forward.

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Defala and her group were found held up near some trees and rocks, preparing and working out where Ailef could be and turned their eyes and readied for a fight once the party got close.

"So you are Defala the Slave Trader that is after Ailef, you should leave him be" announced TheGoliath.

"Maybe you should let me know where he is due to all his crimes that he is wanted for including murder. But if you insist on getting in our way, then you will join him" claimed Defala as they all drew their weapons.

She was put under control as the key target in the fight while TheGoliath did a stun melee attack on the ranged enemy to stop him for a short time and everyone laid into all the others quickly. Stags horn was single target but did a lot of damage to the unit affected, then once all the others had been killed it left Defala who on her own... well she wasn't that strong with six others attacking at once.

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Throughout this area and before heading to Durgan's Battery where they are really needed, it was a good idea for them to search around so they could defeat extra mobs of enemies and gain even more experience toward the next level.

So searching was going to be good for them as they quickly found a group of ice trolls and Lagufaeth creatures as the first fight. It was crazy with the amount of area damage and back and forth between who was doing more damage.

Another tough fight was with Felisa and her mostly zombie group that wanted to eat the flesh and drink the blood of everyone. Nobody was liking the words being said so they destroyed them all with new things like summoned blights or the Grieving Mother's mind lance just for extra effect and changing it up which worked well.

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Last in this area was against a group of Elves led by Vamrel, who were enslaving an ogre for their own use as extra muscle. "You should let it go now and leave before you have much worse to worry about than a brute ogre" claimed TheGoliath before the elves all drew their weapons and attacked.

TheGoliath unleashed the noxious burst of corrode damage, with Hiravias followed with Calling the World's Maw and then TheGoliath followed up with the tentacles, ensuring some swift killings would not be far off. A little help from overwhelming wave and fireball and some attacking would seal the deal.

It was another great victory and they all got a little closer to the edge of the area and setup camp, ready for the march to Durgan's Battery.

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This was part #29 for my Pillars of Eternity series.
Stay tuned for part #30 which is where I am going to end the series with hopefully some massive battles for some big quests once I keep with leveling up a little more and upgrading the gear, including fighting the Master Below!

You can find part #28 here

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