Battling Lord Gathbin and his forces before helping Stalwart

A battle of epic proportions among other big fights

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Back in the woodlands where those feral druid waited and were too tough back a while ago, the party set out to find them for revenge that would be well earned...

This time around they had the puppet strings of the Grieving Mother to take control of one while Hiravias would spurt out the deadly area of effect abilities, getting that early damage that tends to win them more fights.

"Don't stop until they are all dead and cast all your goodies!" shouted Eder as he took more of the hits due to his strength being the greatest.

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With the extra bit of experience gained and deciding on a bold move that he would regret, TheGoliath got the party back to the keep because it was time!

"Marshal Forwyn, it is time to assemble the army and march to Yenwood Field and meet Lord Gathbin and his army on the field. If we die with honour we will be back and wait until more forces or we are stronger before the next attempt" announce TheGoliath with a smirk on his face, before everyone prepared and headed off.

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As the party readies on the battlefield along with all their troops, TheGoliath and Marshal Forwyn speak and get ready to give orders.

"Sound the horn, Marshal. It is time we finish this" announced TheGoliath before Marshal Forwyn raised a brass horn to his lips and looking at TheGolaith expectantly.

"Send these Aedryan dogs to Berath where the scum belong!" shouted TheGoliath as the horn follows and they march into battle.

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The battle is raging on with units fighting, the Marshal looks for orders as to what to do next.
"Those battlemages have to be dealt with, send in the Crucible Knights to take them out" he announced and deal with them they went off to do.

"Now everyone on me and charge!" shouted TheGoliath as everyone charges straight in to get down and dirty with looking for blood.

Lord Gathbin strides through all the carnage to meet with TheGoliath on the battlefield for a fight. "It's time I put you down like the dog you are and claim my victory!" claimed Lord Gathbin before TheGoliath pointed and made a throat-slicing gesture, indicating Gathbin is about to die and so, the real fight began!

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As the real fight began it was a charge in and instantly preparing the spells and abilities that would do the work if they were to get a win. Pull of Eora was first out along with the puppet strings, fireballs and all sorts were flying around the battlefield and Hiravias got knocked out by a surviving battlemage and was revived by Pallegina.

But as Lord Gathbin went down so too did Hiravias, Eder and TheGoliath followed after the others, making this fight becoming impossible to finish due to how many units were left on the enemy side still and it would be something to re-visit at a later time.

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It took days to recover from that massive battle but finally, the party had relaxed and headed to Stalwart in the White March area, only to find it was attacked by ogres and many of them.

"At least we should have a pretty easy time unless there are bigger groups of these ogres waiting around" announced Pallegina as they attacked the first few to help the village of Stalwart as requested.

A couple of them were meeting the party at the gate which required some decent abilities and summoning the Wurms, but overall they were split from the others that were nearby, making it an easier fight and that was making the parties morale rise.

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A call back to Caed Nua had been made so the village of Stalwart would need to be fending for themselves for a moment with the extra help the party was getting sent once the messenger quickly rode back to the keep to send some hirelings out.

They got back to have a chat with Nyry the Deft Hand who had gotten into some trouble and she wanted help.

"You should turn yourself in and I can make sure the sentence is greatly reduced for you, better than living as an outlaw" claimed TheGoliath.

"You are cleaver but you cannot talk me into offering my neck for the hangman so I best be on my way before I am caught" said Nyry before quickly leaving the keep and finding her way out of the area.

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"Guess that is the last anyone will see of her for a while. The nerve, to cause so many issues and then ask for my help to escape her sentence" TheGoliath angrily said before calming down and everyone took some time to chat and relax as it would be another long trip back to Stalwart.

This was part #28 for my Pillars of Eternity series.
Stay tuned for part #29 and see what happens next and what TheGoliath will get up to.

You can find part #27 here

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