Finding out how to enter Durgan's Battery before entering the fortress to explore and fight for glory and loot!

Great fights are here and another level up sees strength rise and helps in Durgan's Battery

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Galvino is an old man isolated from his own choice to stay away from people... only accompanied by the Devil of Caroc who had been put into a machine.

"So for you taking her and using her services I get the satisfaction of knowing those Stalwart folks are sweating at knowing she is still alive. Alright take her and go find a soul ancestor for a dwarf of Durgan's Battery. That way you will know the words and how to enter Durgan's Battery" claimed Galvino before the party left with the Devil of Caroc to Stalwart, searching and finding the soul of a dwarf.

After the got back to Stalwart, they searched and searched until they found Taena who is the one they seeked. Reaching for the soul helped them get the words out of her, so now they would be able to get in to Durgan's Battery once they had convinced Matron Beregan to help them access the fortress.

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To the East was an unvisited location which was thought to be where Beregan's cave and lair would be... Instead they found mass amounts of Lagufaeth and many fights before realising it was the wrong side of Stalwart.

"We shall clear these fights for the experience and then continue back on with getting into Durgan's Battery" announced TheGoliath as they fought through all these fights. Mass spells cast, a lot of death and knockdown's and a lot of experience for some extra leveling!

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With the new level to 9, TheGoliath unlocked the spells Call to Slumber which causes a group of enemies to fall asleep and Blast of Frost for mass freeze damage, both level 5 spells and really effective and needed.

Kana unlocked the phrase The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed which makes a hazard field for burn and slash damage to enemies. This could come in handy besides what he could already use. Pallegina got the ability Zealous Endurance which fills her and allies with confidence, gaining damage reduction and converting some hits to grazes.

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Meanwhile Hiravias chose Vile Thorns for piercing damage and causing sickness to poison those defying him. Devil of Caroc gained Fearsome Strike to target important areas for more damage, weakening and Hobbling and lastly, the Grieving Mother chose the level 5 powers Ringleader to dominate and charm enemies, plus Detonate to inflict raw damage and cause low endurance enemies to explode and cause crush damage to those nearby.

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Finally back to the west the party had reached the cave and Matron Beregan to which a conversation went back and forth for a short while, with the convincing eventually becoming the outcome and being given the things collected from the Leaden Key expedition that they had overcome previously.

"Take the bounty of your foolish predecessors and may it serve you better than it did them. Take this stuff from the others you spoke off and you may move freely amongst us now" announced Matron Beregan and more bloodshed was avoided. They stocked up in Stalwart and gained the barbarian follower Maneha who joined the party as they headed off to enter Durgan's Battery.

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Words were spoken and things were activated, opening the way into the fortress ready for exploration. Filled with all sorts of creatures, people and artifacts and loot with the first being battery defenders which were like dwarves and ice blights which were small numbers and easy to take care of. This led to the door towards the mines, sealed by the Armswarden Marunn but eventually accessible with some clever words spoken.

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Down in the mines were more battery defenders and others, a bigger group that saw the party take more damage and have to be quicker about ending this fight, but then it was followed up by some frost ooze and ice beetles.

It was like it was a constant barrage of groups of enemies protecting the place now, seeing another big group near the passageway to get the Nightshroud mace artifact.

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After grabbing the Nightshroud mace some traps were activated along with a group of special defenders of the artifact. Multiple fragments of pargrunen warriors and a wizard as well... Maneha and Hiravias went down but Maneha was brought back up to help the others with the fight.

"Don't let up as we have taken some out now and are close to getting a rest by the campfire since this place seems quite deadly!" shouted TheGoliath as the tentacles came out, they group kept up the barrage and finally... finally they took out the last one and earned that campfire rest because there is still many fights to find and parts of the fortress to explore, all before going to face the Master Below!

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This was part #31 for my Pillars of Eternity series.
Stay tuned for part #32 which will see the Master Below confronted in the final part of this awesome series that feels like it has taken forever, just because it is only one post a week.

You can find part #30 here

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