Durgan's Battery but unable to access the fortress yet

Blood shall be spilled everywhere

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Note: I was hoping to make this the last one but was very busy in the week, so I will get one or two more parts after this one so I can level and get to those massive fights again and end on a bang!

The party had now reached Durgan's Battery to the north of Stalwart and were greet by a short walk into some Lagufaeth that had some tougher versions including a sort of priest one as well, which along with the big guy it was a solid group to give good experience.

More were around the area just a little before the ice cave which inside had another small group, yet again putting out the damage for what they were and making this start to Durgan's Battery an easy time.

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On the other side of the cave happened to be a foul smell accompanied by visuals of the filthy crag ogres. "Looks like we will have to clean up this stench and be done with this foul spot" said TheGoliath before letting out a laugh then smirking as he prepared to cast a spell.

With the pull of puppet strings and the cast of the usual mighty fireball, followed by a lot of hits, the wolves dropped and the crag ogres started to follow... tumbling down after dying to the damage the party is able to dish out served warm and bloody.

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Pillars of Eternity Screenshot 2021.12.06 -

It was not too far to run up to the fortress of Durgan's Battery... of course they wouldn't be able to get in until getting some other items through quests to be completed still.

"That must have been one tall dwarf to need a door this big, better find the other items we need to unlock it though or we will stay freezing our backsides off" announced Eder before they headed East where there is a cabin somewhere, for a quest they have.

First was just dealing with a group of stags that were grouped and not looking too friendly. They stomped down hard and hit the group with their antlers, causing some nice piercing damage before ultimately succumbing to the same fate and the others in this area have, death!

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Inside of the cabin was a cellar door leading to an underground sort of massive base. Traps lay around the place and so do constructs built to deter all intruders that enter and proceed.

It wasn't until they reached further in where a big group of constructs would dominate the party with mass damage and knocking out members until it was a wipe and they would have to try again... This time they took out the initial construct with the fireball damage before moving to attack the big flesh construct, the one that also deals immense damage and with the help of skeletons and tentacles, they would find it was possible to get through this group.

"Ugh this is tough but we can do it, don't stop until each one is dealt with and then we can camp and rest our wounds!" shouted Pallegina as they continued with finishing off the last constructs.

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Pillars of Eternity Screenshot 2021.12.12 -

Iron constructs guard a room with the help of a misshapen construct and did they really set out to take the group down!

Overwhelming wave from Hiravias was very effective in damage and only hit Pallegina with an interrupt as well while others were safe, this made it quick to take out some of them before summoning wyrms to help with the misshapen construct standing off to the side.

After some time and the fight going back and forth with a lot of healing needed to stay alive, eventually they took the last one down and were able to look around the room and then stop there or this place would were them down and destroy their mental health.

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Pillars of Eternity Screenshot 2021.12.12 -

Pillars of Eternity Screenshot 2021.12.12 -

This was part #30 for my Pillars of Eternity series.
Stay tuned for part #31 which either that or the one after will be my last as the fights have been tough and so has getting the levels ready for the massive fights.

You can find part #29 here

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