Bandai Namco just launched a game you can't play.


Talk about a bad launch!
For the first time in decades, a Taiko no Tatsujin game has been released on PC. Taiko is a very famous franchise in Japan where you use a drum as a controller and need to drum it out to the beat of the songs.

Taiko games usually have a really nice song selection (with the exception of the Americanized ones) and are really really fun. With all sorts of options for party play, a versus mode and sometimes even a story mode.

Bandai Namco's new release on PC is the first time any Taiko no Tatsujin game has ever been on Windows, and no one can get it to work so far.
The game asks you to sign in to a Microsoft account and restart, something that you get no prompt or pop-up to do at all. So you're just stuck there, with the only option being quitting the game.

A fan-made patch has already been released, merely a couple of hours after the game's release that lets you play it.
It's a finnicky way to get to play something you're paying for, but hey, better than nothing, I guess?

Would be a lot better if Bandai Namco didn't make such a rookie mistake like forgetting to have the game prompt you to log-in.
An official statement has been released at 7am São Paulo time, being 4pm now.

And still nothing has been done.

I've seen bad launches before, but one like this is... well, it's atrocious and beautiful at the same time.

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