Path of Exile: Ruthless 🎦 Actual upgrades! 😈


This is a playthrough conducted on the absolute hardest mode of the game on a hardcore (permadeath) character.

The laborious journey continues! I'd like to thank you all for joining me for another part of this absolutely hellish experience. 😅 We get some actual upgrades this time around so that's fun. *Hehe.... heh... he...

👉 my thoughts on path of exile 👈

It will get harder before it gets easier though. I say that knowing we almost died last part. 😂 Well, our build is starting to come together, so let's see what ol' grocks does in this one, eh? // yes, I just referred to myself in the third person, it's called being nuanced, thank you

When we last left off we had just gotten into the Submerged Passage. Would you look at that? A waypoint! Let's get back to town, shall we?

Well, well, well. Would you look at that? Quest rewards! Hmmmmmm. Let's see here.

It took me about 5 seconds of consideration before picking the totem. 😅 Anyone that has played this game knows how much easier the totem makes everything. And right now, I need some assistance. 😓

Also! I've played totem builds a lot, so this is perfect! It also matches with our Purifying Flame in both damage type and concentrated ground amplifiers. Now, ideally, you would want some other damage type, but stacking conc. ground is also not bad.

Gotta admit the totem does its thing. 🔥

We love finding dem superior flasks! Those that know Path of Exile recipes know that you never throw away quality flasks. (a tip for free @kaelci 😘).

We movin', we slayin', aaaaaaannnnnd -

We levelin'! Almost up to our first major node. ➕➕➕

Our first headpiece! Yes! We still don't have every piece of equipment slotted. We are more than a quarter through the first act and we're still praying for basic white items... 🤣😭

And considering this mode, what we got is a premium! 😰

We get an energy shield hat, but we won't replace the one we just got. I can't believe I'm debating which white item to use...

This squid bastard is blocking our wayyyyy!

We slay the foul beast. 💪

And actually get rewarded for our troubles! 😱 I can't emphasize this enough. This shield is a godsend. It matches our build and is something we will be wearing for a looooonnnnggg tiiiiiimeeee. Good stuff, good stuff.

We're now in the Ledge, one of my favorite areas in the game.

Another crucible, another chance to not understand the mechanic. Trust me, I get it eventually. 😁

Gotta admit this pack of blue skellies is scaaaarrryyy. They hit super hard.

And we finally reach our first major node! Huzzah for us! Here you can see our skill tree opens up to a few possibilities. Which way shall the lone templar go I wonder? 🤔

Ladies and gentlemen! I bring to you! Our first pair of gloves! 👏👏

A small upgrade to our chest, but we take those.

And our... second pair of gloves...

Stop spoiling me PoE!

Another magic item! Useless. But good for selling. 🤑

And another upgrade for our lowly scepter. This wand won't last long, however. Still, a 12% damage increase is nothing to scoff at.

We find the waypoint and get back to Lioneye's Watch to sell and heal up.

It's a good time to mention that the only way you heal in this mode is by talking to Nessa. Normally, your flasks refill when you go back into town, here? Not so fast buddy! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST HEAL?? PATHETIC!

So here I figure I can just upgrade my flasks and get dem medium joints. That's all well and good if you're playing normal PoE. But here I didn't have the necessary Scrolls of Wisdom to buy the flask I was missing. 🤣 So, like an absolute doup, I have to get back in the action with just one healing flask. 😕😢😭

We kill some more fools and level up. I decide on getting some assistance with our mana, as we keep running out of it faster than I'm liking. And if you can't cast spells in this mode, you are dead.

We reach this totem bastard that in times long past was an absolute pushover. Well, now he isn't. 😆

We have to port back to town to get our flasks recharged.

And for our troubles, we get a coral ring!! 😱😱 That's what we're talking about babeeehhh.

And it's now time to take on the Climb! The Climb to what you may ask? Our first act boss, of course! Onwards!

Hmmm, it looks like the more we hold it the more - Nope! We moving on!

Kill some blue mobs.

Level up. 😎

Get some boots meant for walkin', 👢

And now we get a substantial item upgrade. Yes, 1-4 added fire is a lot better than a 12% damage increase. I know it might not seem that way, and in the late game, it's not that way. But for now, in the early, game this wand is going to serve us nicely for a while. 👏👏

A Portal Scroll in a Chest! Hold on a second, Imma run to tell my mom! 🏃

I'm back, she says she's never been more proud! 😭

Another waypoint was acquired.

Look at that haul!!! 😱

We kill some fools. And this is a good time to mention that I'm absolutely loving my build thus far. Gonna get some swanky upgrades in the next part that will make it even more fun.

Arrow boss found...

                                                                                                     ...arrow boss deaded.

Got some blues and our first amulet! Yaaasss!

Fire Goat boss found, and while the bastard was tougher, since he was fire resistant, we still fell the vile beast!

Unfortunately, he didn't drop anything. Hey! We got so many upgrades already, I ain't complaining!

We reach the Lower Prison!

Another of my favorite areas in the game, the waypoint is just up ahead.

We got back to town and I'm surprised to see we get an item reward. I don't remember there being such a reward in the past. Maybe I'm just forgetting. Seeing how rare items are in this mode, however. I am overjoyed! Look at me jumping. Jumping for joy! yay

Out of the three, there are two choices. But there is only one choice really. And that is the middle one. The energy shield is nice but the hybrid armor just protects us more.

And that's where we're leaving this off! The next part is gonna be pretty fun as we tackle several bosses. 😁 Hope you join me!

Next Part

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Thank you for reading, you rock! (and maybe roll) 👏👏👏

Shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

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Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend! 🙌🙌🙌 *// see how I change up the closing line? you think this all copy/pasted bruh? we calculated up in this biiii-

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