Playing Civilization Again #8

Hello everyone, Chris here and today is going to be a win! Just letting the rounds fly now, we are at the end and close to victory. So I'll continue from previous post and the year is now 1982. Just making sure to keep friendship with everyone and just waiting for the united nations to be built and get to research the rest of the stuff for the last parts for the spaceship. There have been many records this time compared to the last game, when I won on world domination by taking all the capitals. Now that united nations has been built, it still takes 9 more rounds before everyone can vote for me and we can get a win. Also have all the parts for the spaceship built soon, looks like I'm going to win with 1 round vs diplomatic victory. Hehe I guessed the opposite, still a few rounds to go but it looks like this. So fun. And almost all the research you can is on the last 3-4 inventions. Going to win before that anyway, the question is just which way. 😃

Finally then it became victory through mastery of science, first man to space by the year 1991. Woohoo I got what I thought will be funniest. Nice, good game.

Im off, thanks for visiting and hope to see you in the next post. Thinking about revisiting The Division 2, it's been a few years since the last game or maybe Minecraft or the Witcher, we'll see. Have a great day all! 😊

Images are screenshots by me playing Civilization V :

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Playing Civilization Again #7


Kristiansand, Norway

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