The Beginner's Guide - An Emotional Journey


I played The Beginner's Guide back in 2018 and this game still sits in my memories as a tough game to play.

Trigger warning, This game may not be suitable for everyone due to the subjects it covers.

It tells the story of someone who is struggling to deal with something that they just can't understand.

At the start of the game I felt fairly relaxed and was enjoying the game.
The game is basically a story based walking simulator with a narrator from the get go.
The game's about an hour and a half with the only real goal is to finish it.

It is best played in 1 sitting from start to finish.


The game does cover some subjects that not many games cover. It does get quite dark and It really did affect me quite uncomfortably. I had to pause the game a few times to control myself as at the time I was struggling mentally quite a lot.

As it progresses you start to understand things a lot clearer from the person's perspective and why they are feeling how they do.

Graphically it is simple but beautiful. The music score fits the game so well that it really helps to feel immersed in the experience that is unfolding before your eyes.

I will recommend this game as a near one of a kind game that may give you a great experience or like me, a roller coaster of a ride.

It is easily in my top 10 of games I have ever played and I will continue to recommend it to anyone who will listen.

Here is my playthrough of The Beginner's Guide

All images are screen grabs from my gameplay.

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