Tokenization continues to make progress. The latest actions of football clubs

The adoption of the crypto ecosystem is reaching all aspects of the traditional economy. The latest case is the tokenization of football club shares.

Although football clubs have been listed on regular stock markets for a long time, they are not the majority and there are countries in which there is not a single club listed. But perhaps the crypto market can change that sooner than we think.
The English club Watford FC has decided to take the step and sell shares among crypto fans. I know that many of the world's big clubs have sold tokens to give certain privileges to their fans but this is not the same. Watford FC will tokenize 10% of its capital.

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They will not be shares with voting rights but with economic rights. And this is an important step compared to loyalty tokens.

They are tokens aimed at fans but can be purchased by anyone who wants to. Personally I would never buy this type of investment. Not for Watford FC itself, which is a club that deserves my utmost respect. But because I don't see clearly where the tokens can be traded. In addition, it is a very small sale of barely 10% without voting rights. So no control can be exercised over the investment.
But the fact that it is not an investment for me does not mean that it does not have its audience. The important thing about the news is that the tokens have been chosen to make this sale. This shows the power that the crypto market is gaining.

If you like draws and you like to receive dividends, the token that has everything "SORT" has arrived.
Perpetual lottery ticket that distributes dividends 1 Ticket for every 10 Sort Tokens Gives the right to participate in multiple raffles without the need to sign up.
You can purchase your Sort tokens here:


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